Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

(28) TRAFFIC SIGN. The term defining a sign indicating Federal, State, or Town regulations for automobile, truck, bicycle and pedestrian movement.



(31) TRANSIT TERMINAL. Any structure or transit facility that is primarily used as part of a transit system for commuter rail, rapid rail transit, light rail transit and surface transit modes of transportation for express bus or local fixed route bus services for the purpose of loading, unloading, transferring, or accommodating the movement of passengers or from one (1) mode of transportation to another. This term also includes a transit station.

(32) TRANSPORTATION WAY (Form-Based) . The term defining the combination of vehicular lanes, parking lanes, medians, access lanes, and transportation provisions.

(33) TRAVEL LANE . The term defining a travel lane as the area designated for movement of vehicles in opposite directions on a public or private street, within a parking lot ingress and egress to parking bays, and a driveway for ingress and egress to and from public or private street.

(34) TREE. The term defining a woody plant with a diameter at breast height (DBH) equal to or exceeding two (2) inches.

(35) TREE, LARGE SHADE. The term defining a tree listed elsewhere in the Land Development Ordinance and/or the Town's Standard Specifications & Construction Details that is expected to exceed a height of 30 feet at maturity. (36) TREE, SMALL SHADE. The term defining a tree, listed elsewhere in the Land Development Ordinance and/or the Town's Standard Specifications & Construction Details that is not expected to exceed a maximum height of 30 feet at maturity. (37) TRIM COLOR. The term defining the color of trim elements typically defined as the finished woodwork or the like, used to decorate, border, or protect the edges of openings or surfaces. This color shall not be as bold or vivid as an accent color and may be used more frequently.

(38) TRIPLEX. The term defining a residence on a single lot containing three (3) dwelling units designed for or occupied by three (3) individual families only, with separate housekeeping and cooking facilities for each.

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