Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

Promote and encourage a mix of economically viable retail, mixed-use development and office uses in the downtown districts.

§9-2001 INTENT

To achieve the desired outcome of a sustainable and progressive downtown there are basic strategies important to the success of the downtowns’ future. The districts identify the architectural qualities that define the character of both downtowns and propose design standards to maintain that character in new construction and infill projects. These strategies include a development format called form- based development which addresses “building form” (what buildings look like, materials, color, height, and how large), “building siting” (where buildings are positioned relative to the streets and sidewalks, and where parking is located), “pedestrian space” (civic space, pedestrian walkways, outdoor dining, safe street crossings and parking areas), and “residential living” (promote and implement residential living in downtown through mixed-use developments, live/work units, perimeter residential, and easy access to downtown).


a. Density

(1) Downtown Center-1 (DC-1) . There is no maximum residential density in the Downtown Center-1 (DC-1) Zoning District.

(2) Downtown Center-2 (DC-2) . The maximum residential density permitted in the Downtown Center 2 (DC-2) Zoning is 22 dwelling units per acre.

b. Building Placement

(1) Building Setbacks . Each parcel shall be assigned a primary frontage (where front setback applies), to be approved by the Town. Parcels on a corner shall also have a secondary frontage (where the side setback applies) except where a parcel adjoins two primary streets, and then said parcel shall have two primary frontages. The following building setbacks shall apply:

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