(7) Painting Masonry . Painting of masonry façade is prohibited unless the façade is already painted prior to November 7, 2022. Painted façades must follow the color palette identified in this subsection or as amended from time to time.
A. Painted masonry façade may be approved by the Planning Director in the event of façade infrastructure concerns.
u. Building Entrances & Doors
Individualized entryway design elements and variations are encouraged to provide a positive pedestrian experience. Each building must have a clearly defined and highly visible entrance featuring at least three (3) of the following architectural features:
(1) Covering . Features over doors and windows include canopies, awnings, or a portico.
(2) Recessed Entrance . Entrance and door recessed behind the building façade a minimum of three (3) feet.
(3) Architectural Surround . Entrance and door contained within an architectural “surround” of wood or masonry no less than eight (8) inches in width and projected no less than six (6) inches.
(4) Entry Door Glass . Glass entry doors prominently articulated and have a minimum of 40% glass.
(5) Aluminum Door Stiles . Stiles shall be between two (2) and five (5) inches wide.
v. Upper Story Balconies & Porches
Upper story balconies and porches can add character and a distinctive atmosphere for downtown residential living creating a positive influence on social structure in an urban setting. Multi-family and vertically mixed-use developments are residential types that can be enhanced with the use of upper story balconies and porches. The following required standards shall apply: (1) Minimum Clearance . Upper story balconies or porches incorporated into a multi- family, mixed-use or townhouse development along a primary or secondary street shall be installed with a minimum of nine (9) feet clearance between the bottom of the
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