King's Business - 1927-03


March 1927

T h e ' K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

AGENTS<6ADAT taking orders for Non-Alcoholic Food Flavors. Every variety. Put up in collapsible tubes. Always fresh. Three times the strength of bottled flavors. N ot sold in stores. Fast repeaters. Big income every <*ay. , S I Men ana jYomen devoting full time can make $6 to$S Big: money for spare time. La.s — concern of its kina in the world. Over two million dollars’worth of ordei taken last year by our Representa­ tives for Zanol Pure Food a Specialties and House- Supplies. Every article ' W rite for Sam- American Products Co. 7254American Building, Cincinnati, Ohio

The book will furnish the answers to many questions that arise in the minds of many young Christians, questions that they are too often timid to dsk and yet trouble them. We wish pastors would give such a course of instruction to their churches in sermons or classes, then’iour Protestant people would be intelligent on why. we look to the Word of God as- being the seat of authority in religion.—J. H. H. — 07 - “The Unknown Bible," by Conrad Henry Moehlman, Professor of Church History in Rochester Theological Semin­ ary, published by George H. Doran, New York, $2.00. This book discusses “the sources and selection of the Scripture Canon” from the modernist viewpoint. The conclusion of the whole matter, ac­ cording to this writer, is that the Bible is a record of the religious experiences of the men who wrote it and is to be inter­ preted by the religious experiences of the men of today. To put it in another way, and yet to put it fairly, the modern man is to judge the Bible by his experiences, not his experi­ ences by the Bible: The author’s attitude toward the Old Testament is that it is superseded by later “experiences,” even the later writers cor­ recting by their “experiences” those of their predecessors. We know there is progress of doctrine in the Old Testament as well as in the New, but this was due not to men’s experiences, primarily, but to the revelation by God of His will. To interpret the Old Testament by the revelation of the New is the duty and privilege of the Christian, but when we are told that the New Testament itself is to be interpreted by our own religious experience, we are being told that we our­ selves are the seat of authority. This; is. to destroy the value of the Bible as a revelation from God and leave us all adrift on the sea of individual experience. Difficulties, .which we all admit exist, are magnified. The beliefs of the orthodox Christian in the authority of the Bible is relegated to the same plane as the vagaries of Spir­ itualism and Christian Science and treat­ ed to the same mild ridicule. The writer does not deal fairly with the position of the Church as a whole, nor does he deal fairly with the Bible. It might sound uncharitable to say that the author rightly named his book from his own viewpoint—the Unknown Bible,—! but it would really not be any more un­ charitable than many of the author’s own statements. _ —J. H. H. Many Mansions by John McNeill, is a very interesting and helpful book of sermons. In many ways the sermons are models. It is true to the fundamentals of the faith and puts the truth in a simple, attractive way that gets the interest of the reader and suggests the difficulties in­ volved but at the same time brings out the things that are clear cut and unquestion­ ably taught in the Bible. The book is full of interesting illustrations and shows that the author is not only a careful student of the Bible but also is widely read in Science, Philosophy and general litera­ ture. The subject deals with the future life and takes up such questions as, “Does Man Retain his Personal Identity in the Future Life?” “Where are the Dead?”

Y O U C A N E A S I L Y S O L V E You r E a s t e r P ro g ram Problem by selecting any or all of these Easter books. Here is a wealth of material, including recitations, dia­ logues, songs, tableaux, drills, and pantomimes, written and presented in simple style—each con­ taining more than enough for your program. Read each description carefully. THE PARAMOUNT EASTER BOOK No. 2 We feel a special pride in offering this most charming collection of good things for your Easter program. It contains so many new and novel features that express in a most delightful way all the joy and gladness of the Easter season. Recita­ tions, Dialogues, Drills, Exercises and Songs. Sixty- four pages of original material with which to pre­ pare the brightest and best Easter Service you have ever had. THE PARAMOUNT EASTER BOOK This wonder book of recitations, dialogues, songs, tableaux, drills and pantomimes has everything that anyone may wish for in preparing an Easter Service.' Every number is entirely new—none have ever been in print. Ope feature follows another. A collection of pleasing surprise. The Paramount Easter Book provides material for every department from beginners to adult. It pictures, tells, and sings the beautiful Easter story in ways that must leave lasting impressions. EASTER TIDINGS A wonderful collection of material for your Easter Program. 170 recitations, 17 delightful dialogues, and 23 beautiful songs. Adapted for all ages— young and old will enjoy having a part in a Service, made doubly enjoyable with the least worry and effort—EASTER TIDINGS will do it. The price of each of the above books is 25c. Write to your supply house or send direct to M p v p r & R r n t l i p r 56 w - Washington St. ivieyer a Broiner C hica g o , I l lin o is ‘ ‘ H o l y G r o u n d ’ ' M cConkey’s la te st booklet. J u s t off the P ress. A bounds in personal experiences. Touches y o u r every-day life. Sent absolutely free» p ostpaid. M ay be h ad free from Silver Publishing Society D ept. M, B essem er B uilding, P ittsb u rg h , P a.

V*' TEACHER’S T raining C ourse Bigger classes—greater interest—more regular attendance—these come when teachers are#well-trained. Teachers find new joy in their work—and d o it better. Either i ndividual or class study, as arranged. Course i ncludes 36 hours of Bible Study, 12 hours of Child Study, 12. hours of Pedagogy and 12 hours of Sunday-school Organization. For further inform ation write us. M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E C O R R E S P O N D E N C E S C H O O L Dept. 42(J3, 153-163 Institute Place, Chicago PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS If you preach, lecture, teach, lead a m eeting, “m ake a few rem ark s”, o r en te rta in your friends, get th is book. C ontains 800 clean a n ­ ecdotes th a t cause a laugh b u t p o in t a m oral. The m a tte r is am using, th e purpose serious. D ouble a n d cro ss indexed-—an illu stratio n for an y occasion easily found. N eatly cloth bound, 320 pp. $2 prepaid. C ircular free. LEEW IN B. W ILLIAM S & SON, P ublishers 905 M onroe St., N . W . W ashington, D. C. 5000 workers WANTED to sell Bibles, T estam ents, good books and handsom e velvet S crip tu re m ottoes. Good comm ission. Send for Free C atalog and P rice L ist GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER D ept. No. 7C, M onon Bldg. Chicago, 111. JnSelecting what could be a happier, a more fitting thought 4 than a living memorial of Golden-Voiced D eagan T ow e r Chim es serving through the years to keep alive the J faith of those who have it, and helping, as nol other means can, to re-awaken childhood | reverence in those who have strayed. Write for literature. Standard Sets$b,000 and up. c . L C D EAGAN, lnc.,191 Deagan Building, Chicago, IB»J T H E H A R V E S T T R U L Y I S ' P L E N T E O U S In vario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C hristian m ay be sup p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an en tire y ear for from $25. to $600. L iteratu re free. NATIVE PREACHER CO. INC., Box K, 251 F airm o u n t Rd., Ridgewood, N. J. OBJECT LESSONS OF SCRIPTURE “TH E LITTLE HANDMAIDS O F TH E BIBLE” T hirteen pam phlets. Illu strated . No. j to 13. 12 O bject Lessons in E ach P am phlet. T he se t of 13, $1.95, p o stag e prepaid. P rice 15 c ts. each. O rder b y num ber. Rev.C. Eickenberg, 4029 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, III.

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