King's Business - 1927-03

March 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Acts and Hebrews W. WlLEMAN T HERE are two books in the New Testament that do not bear the sig­ natures of the human writers: the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the He­ brews. The Acts of the Apostles contains the record of the operations of the Holy Spirit during the thirty-three years fol­ lowing the Lord’s ascension; and in that book the Holy Spirit is distinctly men­ tioned fifty-three times. It is, therefore, singularly appropriate that the penman should suggest his identity without ap­ pending his signature. It is a matter of common knowledge to every Bible student that in the Epistle to the Hebrews the Holy Spirit is men­ tioned seven times. But in three of these seven places the Holy Spirit expressly lays claim to be the Divine Author of the Old Testament Scriptures. Though writ­ ten “at sundry times and in divers man­ ners,” and by many penmen, He is the writer. (Continued on page 179.)

“D’o 'the Dead Serve UsP^jln the discus- sioti of these different points he never de­ parts from the simple, clear facts of Scripture—J. M, M. '.J&reat Sermons of the World. —Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney has rendered a great service in bringing together in one beautiful volume, published by the Stratford Company, some of the famous sermons of the world. The book records in the opening pages Christ’s sermon on the mount, Isaiah’s great messages re­ corded in chapters 63-64, and Peter’s ser­ mon which won five thousand souls. Then follow notable .sermons by such men as Clement, Chrysostom, Augustine, Bede, a’Kempis, Luther, Calvin, Jonathan Ed­ wards, Wesley, Whitefield, Christmas Evans, Chalmers, Finney, Beecher, Spur­ geon, and several others, concluding with one by Dr. G. Campbell Morgan.—K.L.B. — o — Young Hearts in Old Japan. —Those, who enjoy stories of the mission fields will be pleased with Mrs. Maude Mad­ den’s newbook, put out by Revell ($1.50). She brings out the charm of Japan, and the captivating chapters vibrate with hu­ man interest. The book will enable Amer­ ican readers to have a much better under­ standing of the Japanese people, in their hopes,, joys, disappointments and trage­ dies. It will also quicken one’s apprecia­ tion of the value of Christian missions among them.—K.L.B. Borden of Yale is a remarkable book issued by the China Inland Mission and written by Mrs. Howard Taylor ($2.00). It is the story of William Whiting Bor­ den, whose death several years ago car­ ried a wave of sorrow around the world. The Princeton Seminary Bulletin said that no young, man of his age had ever given more to the service of God and hu­ manity. Borden not only gave his wealth to the cause of missions, but himself, and in a way so joyous and natural that it was manifestly a privilege rather than a sac­ rifice. Though he was cut off in early prime'before actually reaching his distant sphere of labor, it is doubtful whether any life of modern times, has flung out to the world a more inspiring example. Would to God that such reading as this might ap­ peal to our young Christians today. . —K.L.B. :—0— The Canon Law of the Papal Throne by Gilbert O. Nations (Revell $1.00) is a small book that will be of great interest to those who wish to be familiar with the Romanist situation. We have in this book a restrained and judicial examination of the actual laws now in force in the Ro­ man Catholic Church, paticularly .those reflecting its antagonism to civil courts,' popular government, public schools, civil marriage, freedom of the press, and civil rights relating to ownership of property. These laws were made binding on all Ro­ man Catholics throughout the world on and after May 19, 1918, by Bull of the Pope at that time.—K.L.B.

Splendid Easter Programs L ittle E a ste r Jo u rn ey s. J u s t out. S hort B iblical p ag ean ts an d pantom im es. V ery little m em orizing. P er copy 25 cents E a ste r Echoes. F o r all ages an d classes. T ableaux, pantom im es, m otion songs, p rim ary pieces, etc. P er copy 25 cents E a ste r T estim ony. Eye-w itnesses tell the sto ry of th e R esurrection. No m em oriz­ ing. P er copy 25 cents E a ste r P ag ean try . A collection of sh o rt E a ste r pantom im es, full of “sn ap ” an d “pep.” V ery little m em orizing. P er copy 35 cents Q uick W ork fo r E aster. M iscellaneous E a ste r m aterial fo r all classes of the Sunday School. P er copy 35 cents The G ate B eautiful. A v ery im pressive p a g ea n t of th e R esurrection. No m em ­ orizing. P er copy 25 cents Sw eet Spices. C lass exercises, actio n songs, p rim ary pieces, tableaux, etc. P er copy 35 cents The E a ste r S tory in Pantom im e. Ie leads us from B ethany to Jo sep h ’s garden. No M em orizing. P er copy 25 cents D ead an d R isen. The E a ste r sto ry d ra m a ­ tized. N othing else like it in p rin t. H un­ dreds of testim onials. P er copy 30 cents Send coins, check, post-office o r express o rder, b u t no stam p s, please. J. H. KUHLMAN, PUBLISHER 222 E. Main St., Loudonville, Ohio Home Study Correspond­ ence Course in Gospel Song Piano Accom­ paniment SIXTY LESSONS. COMPLETE MUSICAL ILLUSTRATIONS U n d e r p e rso n a l d ire c tio n of ROBERT HARKNESS (W o rld -R e n o w n e d S a c re d P ia n is t) . In clu d es fo llow in g su b je c ts: C h o ru s A c c o m p a n im e n t, S olo A c c o m ­ p a n im e n t, M u sical M em o ry T ra in in g , Im p ro v isatio n , In te rp re ta tio n , S i g h t R e ad in g , P h ra sin g , P itc h , U se of P ed als, T e c h n iq u e , M u sical E x p ressio n , etc., etc. Send today for complete details. ROBERT HARKNESS 1632 H u n tin g to n D rive, S outh P asadena, Calif. 1 WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL M SUNDAY SCHOOL ■ SCHOLARS’BIBLES ELF-PRONOUNCING ■ ■ ra il Contain specially prepared Helps to Bible S tu d y and many A ttractive Illus • tra tio n s suitable for children. IffiSflr Send for Illustrated Catalog fgg§ji THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Publishers B ü r American Bible Headquarters 299 Winston Building Philadelphia

FundamndÆfëtike io the Bible A U é ê p ty iW m ^ iExposition o f the In t^ am kn à l Lesson 5f| ForUse in a lt d en om in a tion s W R IT E FOR FREE SAMPLES A N D ^ R IC E S THE CHRISTIANALLIANCEPUBIIJHING fe ESTABLISHED I 3 S 6 ? 2 bO WEST 44 ^ST: NEW YORK NEW TESTAMENT GREEK P rep are by H om e S tudy to in te rp re t an d teach the New T estam ent, an d u n d erstan d the in te rp reta tio n s of o thers. A w orking know ledge of the G reek New T estam en t is obtainable by ou r m ethod of in stru ctio n . C ourses in Theology, R eligious E d u ca­ tion, A rt of P reach in g W ith o u t N otes, Sociology, Child W elfare, Child P sy ch o l­ ogy, R hetoric, S h o rt S tory W riting, A r­ gum entation, Bible, Philosophy, H istory, and in 50 o th e r su b jects are given by correspondence. Enroll any time. Degrees granted. Catalogue free. POTOMAC UNIVERSITY 22nd Y ear. D ept. 11. W ashington, D . C.

P a r i s h P a p e r s Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work.. Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.

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