King's Business - 1927-03


March 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The Very “Best” of the

D a i l y R e a d i n g s

Very New Books

M a r c h 16. “The Friend of God."—Jas. 2:23.

THERE is a new thought here: we often think of God as the Friend of men, but that a man should be a friend of God! “A tremendous privilege, but one confined, of course, to unique saints like Abraham.” So the Tempter whispers, fearful lest we should aspire to the position. “Not at all,” we reply. To twelve frail, sinful, erring, stupid men Christ once said: “Hence­ forth I call you not servants,.but friends.” If such friendship was within the reach of Peter and the rest of the Apostles (even before Pentecost), it may be attained by us. They were none of them more holy than we ought to be, nor so holy indeed; some of them were apparently no more distinguished; not one of them was dearer to the Divine heart. There was one condition of the relationship alike in Abraham’s case and theirs, and it is the sole requisite in our own, viz., unquestioning obedience, based upon faith. Let us learn to trust God and to obey Him, and the splendid honor may be ours. “The friend of God”— who can estimate the safety and the glory of such a position as that? What a vision of blessing and of peace opens before our eyes as its consequence! What opportunities for communion and for intercession; what power placed at our disposal for the good of our fellow men; what present deliverance and future glory, when He has become, as the result of the intimacy, -our shield and our “exceeding great reward” DANIEL was one of the most remarkable men who ever lived. Prime Minister of a mighty Empire, his bitterest enemies were unable to find a single flaw in his character or administra­ tion—of what other politician could the same be said? Do we ask the secret of his moral greatness? It was simply this, that he was a man of persistent prayer. How often we hear of men and women who are “too busy to pray” ! yet none of them, prob­ ably, are as fully occupied as he. The prayerless life is bound to be more or less a Godless life; and the Godless life is full of fail­ ure, of misfortune, and of sin. People tell us that they “cannot afford time to pray” : in truth, the more numerous their duties and the greater their responsibilities, the less they can afford to neglect the exercise. “Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath, The Christian’s native air” ; but it is more than that; it is his greatest safeguard against the wiles of the Evil One, his surest refuge in danger or distress, his storehouse of wisdom in the hours of perplexity, his pro­ phylactic against the creeping paralysis of materialism. “Evening, morning and at noon will I pray,” says the Psalmist, and we shall do well to follow his example.. 'A W ■ M arch 18. “Let thy saints shout for joy." — Psa. 132:9. THE Bible is the book of gladness, our Holy religion is a religion of joy. The first word of the earliest recorded sermon of Christ was “Blessed,” i.e., “Happy,” His greatest desire was that our joy might “be full.” “The religion of the eternal long face and the perpetual tear; which holds up its hands in holy horror at all the innocent enjoyments of life; in which it is wicked to laugh, and almost sinful to smile; which is anti-every- thing which goes to make up the sum of natural enjoyment; is not the religion of Jesus of Nazareth.” (*). We do infinite harm to our Master’s cause when we surround His courts with weep­ ing willows, and talk about the Christian pilgrimage as though we expected it to lead through a vale of sighs. Sorrows, of course, we shall have as we journey on through life, but they will not be the product of our religion, if that religion consists in vital union with Him. It was to deliver us from the burden of our griefs, not to add to their number, that He deigned to live and suffer upon earth. Life’s music had modulated into the minor mode as the result of sin; He came that He might restore it to the major key and set our heartstrings ringing with the M arch 17. “Three times a day."—Daniel 6:10:

Far Above Rubies

By Agnes Sligh Turnbull E ig h t d e lig h tfu l n a rra tiv e s of B ible w o m en . T h e old a n d fa m ilia r sto rie s of H a n n a h , B a th sh eb a, T h e M aid of E m m a u s a n d o th e rs a r e re to ld in a fre sh a n d vivid sty le. W h ile m u c h is a d d e d to m a k e th e s to ry m o re in d iv id u al, n o th in g is d o n e to do v io le n c e to a n y p a r t of th e S c rip ­ tu r e sto ry . T h e m e c h a n ic a l m a k e -u p is ex cellen t, b e in g re d c lo th a n d g ilt em b o ssin g . A m a s te r-p ie c e of its k in d . Cloth $2.00

The Friendly Four and Other Stories B y R alph C onnor In these strik in g v ig n ettes of ‘b o th prom inent an d neglec­ ted Bible ch arac te rs, R alph C onnor goes im aginatively b e ­ yond th e m eagre description of th e New T estam ent. He

5000 Best Illustrations By G . B. F. H allock One of th e m o st valuable of Dr. H allock’s well know n an d w idely used helps for p re a ch ­ ers. The th o u san d s of care­ fully s e l e c t e d illu stratio n s m eet every possible need, and th e skillful classification and indexing m akes each su b ject im m ediately available. C loth $4.00

p o rtra y s m en a n d w om en who are unm istak ab ly alive and w ho m ove in th e m id st of vivid circum stances. C loth $1.75 Andrew Murray and His Message By W. M. Douglas

S o u th A fric a p ro d u c e d in th e la s t c e n tu ry a m a n w h o b e c a m e k n o w n a ro u n d th e w o rld as a re m a rk a b le s p irit­ u a l m an , a n d a re a l le a d e r. H is lo c a l w o rk is w ell n a r ­ ra te d in th is b o o k , a n d th o se w h o h a v e re a d his p u b lic a ­ tio n s, su c h a s A b id e in C h rist, W ith C h rist in th e S ch o o l of P ra y e r, T h e N ew L ife, etc., w ill find h e re h o w th o se n o ta b le p ro d u c tio n s cam e to b e w ritte n . M u ltitu d es h a v e re a d th e se d e v o tio n a l w o rk s fro m h is p en , a n d h av e g re a tly b en efited in th e ir s p iritu a l e x p e rie n c e th e re b y . Cloth $1.75 From Every Tribe and Nation By Belle M. B rain

The Guests of God By P ro f. G eorge Jackson U nder th is sug g estiv e title Dr. Jack so n gives u s a series of m ost helpful comm union talk s w hich w ere originally given to th e staff an d stu d en ts in D idsbury College Chapel. They w ould be equally w el­ com e to an y body of C hris­ tian s. T hey are m essages of fellow ship w ith C hrist as we an ticip ate sittin g w ith H im a t H is tab le as H is guests. C loth $1.25

F ifty New M issionary Stories T he fifty tales touch lands in all p a rts of th e w orld and tell life sto ries of m en and w o­ m en b o th hum ble and d istin ­ guished; p o o r and rich ; black, w hite, yellow, red a n d brow n. M iss B rain’s earlier w ell-read books of m issionary sto ries prom ise a w ide u se of th is v o l­ um e, w hich quite equals them in in te re st an d appeal. C loth $1.50

The Religion of an Electrical Engineer By G eorge D. Shepardson T here is a general im pression am ong young people th a t g reat scien tists do n o t accep t th e Bible a s th e W ord of God a n d the C hristian religion as unique. N othing could be fu rth er from th e tru th an d th is book on th e religion of an electrical engineer is one of th e p roofs of th a t fact. It gives th e sto ry of a young m an who lo st faith an d found it again. H e tells us w hy he, w ho is a scien tist an d an engineer, believes in God a n d in th e Bible as th e v ery W ord of God an d w h at the Bible teach es co n ­ cerning Jesu s C hrist, etern al life and p ray er. He has given m uch atte n tio n to th e reasonableness of C h ristian ity an d th e m any analogies betw een scientific an d religious phenom ena. He has becom e convinced th ere is no in h eren t conflict betw een sci­ ence an d religion a n d th a t m any a p p aren t conflicts a re betw een im perfect u n d erstan d in g s. H e th in k s th e tim e h as com e to em phasize th a t Science an d C h ristian ity a re harm onious p a rts of th e sam e g re a t tru th . C loth $1.59 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D.

If books a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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