King's Business - 1927-03

March 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The Very “Best” of the Very New Books A New Book of Dr. Simpson’s Missionary Addresses The Challenge of Missions By A . B. Simpson A se lectio n of D r. A . B. S im p so n ’s h e a r t m essag es fro m th e B ible o n th e n e c e ssity of w o rld ev an g elism . T h e c h a p te rs o f th is b o o k a r e : T h e L a st H a n d fu l; P ra y e r a n d M issio n s; T h e F ru its of M issio n s; T h e L o rd ’s C om in g a n d M issio n s; a n d O u r T ru s t. T h e y sh o w th e im p o rta n t p la c e M issions sh o u ld h a v e in th e C h ris tia n ’s life. Paper 35c Saint Francis— The Little Poor Man of Assisi By Jam es O. D obson Addresses for Women Workers

D a i l y R e a d i n g s

natural shrinking from the darkness of the tomb, a shrinking which has tortured many pious, but timid souls. This fear will, •surely, be greatly diminished, if not wholly dissipated, by the thought that, as regards this part of our journey also, He has “gone before.” The light of His presence illuminates the shad­ ows of the grave, and with its flashing radiance before us we need not hesitate to follow through the gloom. The “King of Terrors,” whose territory it is, has become a conquered foe since his realm was invaded by the Lord of Life. Christ traversed the whole pathway of human experience that He might be personally acquainted with all through which His loved ones are called to pass. Nor shall we be left to take the dread pilgrimage alone; when we go down into the darkness the Good Shepherd will be there and, as ever, His rod and His staff shall be our comfort and our defense. Well may we shout, with the Apostle: “O death, where is thy sting; 0 grave, where is thy victory!” for, like Bunyan’s lions, they have been chained and helpless ever since their Conqueror passed along that way. “NOW is Christ risen from the dead” ! “Hark ! how the anthem swells, Above1 the wail of saddened hearts and disappointed longings ; Like some rich river song, it flows/ A Gospel for a ruined race.’| p | Nay, it is the Gospel, the song of a proved and perfected redemp­ tion.^, Bethlehem were a snarej and Calvary a mockery and a delusion but for this. It is at once the vindication of His God­ head and the seal of acceptance as regards His sacrifice for man. It assures us of His triumph over death and the grave. It foreshadows the resurrection, and forms the charter of immor­ tality for all who are one with Him. It proclaims a might more potent than the powers of sin and hell, and promises “liberty to the captive” who has long been bound in their iron chain. It turns the “vale, vale, in aeternum vale” (“farewell, farewell, for evermore farewell”) of the breaking heart into “Good night, beloved, sleep and take thy rest.” Through the empty tomb of Jesus of Nazareth we catch already flashes from the glory of the jasper walls and golden streets. We go singing on our way—defiant of the world, the flesh, and the Devil—while we trust in “Christ that died; yea, rather, that is risen, again.” “BUSINESS is business.” True! but we should remember that our business, if we be Christians, is “The King’s business” also. We have no right to engage in any occupation or concern save those in which our Father places us ; bur commercial under­ takings are as truly parts of His service as those which we call “religious.” Whatever, therefore, is not lawful in “definite work for God,” is equally inconsistent in the affairs of every day. All that is mean, shady, dishonest, over-reaching, in our secular transactions is repugnant to the Master by Whom we are em­ ployed. Business methods that are not clean, honorable, straight­ forward, equitable, are fatal to spirituality of soul. He who defrauds his customers in the week may sing psalms or offer prayers on the Sabbath, but he will do so in vain: his songs will rise no higher than the roof of thè Sanctuary and his petitions for grace will go unheeded. “God is not mocked;” we cannot be saints in the Temple and thieves in the market place; and every dishonest transaction—though the sum involved be but a farthing—is as truly theft as though we robbed a bank. Com­ mercial dishonesties do not really pay: a man may accumulate a fortune by them upon earth, but he forfeits the Divine favor and is deprived of that “blessing” which “maketh rich” indeed— though not, it may be, as the world estimates riches. “Business is business,” is the Devil’s salve for an evil conscience. M arch 26. "The king’s business'ijjfe—1 Samuel 21:8. M arch 25. ‘‘The Lord is risen indeed.”—Luke 24:34.

By M rs. G eorge H . M orrison Of th e finest of th e w heat is th is sheaf of p rep ared talk s w hich a re m ostly to m others, a few to girls an d young w o­ men. A p t illu stratio n , h appy allegory, the choicest of tine th o u g h ts, tak en from m any sources an d applied to ev ery ­ day life an d problem s, m ake a w insom e volum e full of su g ­ gestion an d p ra c tic al helpful­ ness to all who a re called upon for in sp iratio n al a d d re ss­ es from tim e to tim e. A book w o rth y of m ore th a n casual reading. The fine tru e note of loyalty to th e Book of books is refreshing. C loth $2.00

T his book p resen ts th e m an ra th e r th a n th e sain t. O utlines th e life of F ran cis as seen a g ain st th e h isto rical b a ck ­ ground of his age, an d sta te s his teachings a s a possible so ­ lution of o u r tw en tieth cen­ tu ry problem of u nrest. E very P ro te sta n t should be fam iliar w ith th e life of th e “little p o o r m an of A ssisi.” T he C hurch of Rome claim s an d h as canonized him , b u t he w as in reality a d irect c o n tra ­ d iction of m uch in th e life and creed of th a t church, in th a t he w as a tru e an d low ly fol­ low er of th e L ord Jesu s C hrist. ____________________ C loth $1.50

Can We Believe

By Frank M. Goodchild “ C a n W e Believe*’ is a p o p u la r d isc u ssio n of fu n d a ­ m e n ta l C h ristia n tr u th s b y D r. G o o d ch ild a n d w as p re a c h e d as se rm o n s in th e C e n tra l B a p tist C h u rc h of N ew Y o rk C ity a n d also g iv en a s a d d re sse s a t W in o n a a n d o th e r B ible C o n fe re n c e s. T h e y a re m o st c a re fu lly th o u g h t o u t stu d ies, an d , a lth o u g h p u t in a p o p u la r w ay in o rd e r to a p p e a l to th e a v e ra g e th o u g h tfu l re a d e r, th e ir a rg u m e n ts w ill b e a r th e clo se sc ru tin y of th e c a re fu l th in k e r. Cloth $1.50 The Other Side of the Door B y W illiam C arter The Holy Spirit: What He is and What He Does By R. A. T orrey H ow to know H im in the fullness of H is M inistry.

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A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament

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