Z5668 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Cuaderno de Actividades


Learning to Know Strong adjectives and intensifiers Strong adjectives are extreme adjectives that are more expressive than normal adjectives. Base Adjectives Strong Adjectives big enormous small tiny clever brilliant bad terrible, awful scared terri ed good superb, fantastic angry furious beautiful gorgeous tired exhausted

(page 100, activity 2)

Intensifiers are used to make adjectives stronger. Very, really, and extremely are commonly used with base adjectives.

E.g.: very big, really good, extremely scared

With strong adjectives, we don’t use very; instead, you may use: absolutely, completely, exceptionally, particularly, quite, or totally.

E.g.: very awful absolutely awful

very brilliant exceptionally brilliant

(page 102, activity 1) Learning to Do Using greeting and farewell expressions



• Good morning/aernoon/evening • Hello, everyone! How are you all? • Hi, everybody! How are you doing today? • Welcome to… • Hi, I’m (…) and you’re listening/ watching…

• Well, it’s time to say good-bye. • See you tomorrow… • See you soon/next time! • We’ll see you again next week. • Thanks for listening/watching…

Expressing emotions Learning to Learn (page 103, activity 5)

Use body language.

Take advantage of prosodic resources.

Choose appropriate vocabulary.

Unit 10


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