Z5668 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Cuaderno de Actividades

4 Reread the interview on page 36 and circle the words that you consider most significant to understand it.Then, compare your answers with a partner and discuss to determine the audience and purpose of the interview.

This interview will be listened to by

Its purpose is to



5 Explore the text with your partner to find the expressions that are used to start and end the interview.

6 Within your team, share experiences you have had with robots.

• Mention some of the functions robots have nowadays. Time to Shine!

Reader Where can interviews be published or shown? (pp. 41-43)

Step 1 • Check this and the previous page and create a list of words and expressions used in interviews. • For homework, select an interview about a theme of interest. Self-evaluation (Check the box or boxes.) The strategies that I used to explore the interview were: Analyze its patterns of organization. Determine audience and purpose. Identify expressions used to start and end. Tip: Always explore visual elements and connect them with your knowledge about the theme. Discussion

37 Unit 4

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