Z5668 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Cuaderno de Actividades

4 Work in pairs. Choose three of the signs below, circle them, and answer the question. 109

Which action, conduct, or reason gives rise to the warnings you chose? Man-o-war sting and their venom may cause an allergic reaction in some people.

5 Review the words and expressions you wrote on page 69,Activity 6, and the ones from your class glossary. Choose your repertoire to write your warning.

We will use the following words and expressions:

Reader What situations use a Warning sign? (pp. 82-83)

Step 3

• Determine the reason for giving your warning. • Copy your repertoire on a sheet of paper. Self-evaluation (Check the box or boxes.) The strategies that I used to understand general sense and main ideas of warnings were: Determine sequence of enunciation. Reflect about the beginnings and endings of the warnings and prohibitions. Analyze expressions included in warnings. Tip: To understand a warning, always try to figure out which conduct or reason gave rise to it. Sketch to Express Warnings

71 Unit 7

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