4 Work with another pair to present your comparison. Use the checklist below to monitor prosodic resources.
Yes No
Did they use an appropriate volume? Did their intonation convey feelings and emotions? Did they speak with an appropriate pace? Did they pronounce all words clearly? Are there any spelling and punctuation mistakes?
How can variations in volume, tone and rhythm help me to
5 Use the spaces below to provide feedback.
transmit a message? To recall information about this theme, go to page 111.
6 Make necessary adjustments and present your comparison to your class.
Reader What is Japan’s national sport? (pp. 98-99)
Comparison of Customs Based on Pictures
Step 4
• Write sentences using expressions to explain similarities and dierences. • Order them using connectors. Self-evaluation (Circle.) To explain customs based on pictures, I… …controlled amount and order of information? yes no …used phrases to indicate the beginning and the end? yes no …used phrases to gain time? yes no It was easy / difficult for me to use changes in volume, tone and rhythm to transmit my message. Tip: In oral presentations try not to learn what you will say by heart; instead, use visual material to recall what you have to say.
83 Unit 8
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