1 With your partner, check the information you wrote in the graphic organizer on the previous page. Decide the best way to complete the introduction and conclusion for a report on this theme.
Introduction The world is changing very quickly so we think that it is very important to be informed about
Conclusion These are only three examples, but we suggest that you
2 Compare the two ways of presenting the information in each case. Decide with your partner which will have the best effect on your readers and circle them. 119
How should I write a sentence when I want to focus on the action
a Pilots will be needed to control drones. b Drones will need pilots to control them. a Everybody will use a 3D printing machine.
and not on the subject? For information about this theme, go to page 119.
b 3D printing machines will be used by everybody. a Developers will be needed to create new content for this technology. b New content for this technology will be created by developers.
3 With your partner, check the graphic organizer on page 91 again. Review the information you have about this theme and write one or two sentences for each subheading. Use the connectors you learned in Unit 3 to link them. 113
How can I link the sentences to write the body of my report? To recall information about this theme, go to page 113. 113
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