King's Business - 1915-08



self to be betrayed even by accident into using this title, “Lord of Hosts,” so much in vogue in the days in which he is supposed to have writ­ ten ; and the Pentateuch, devoid as it is of this expression, shows an un­ mistakable mark that it could not possibly have been composed in the way asserted by the criticism, because it would have been a literary impos­ sibility for such a number of writers, extending over hundreds of years, to have, one and all, never, even by accident, slipped into the use of this Divine title for Jehovah, “Lord of Hosts,” so much in vogue during those centuries. In point of fact, the Pentateuch, it is clear, was written before the title was invented. In conclusion I would point out that ,T 'H E graduation exercises of the Training School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, at which twenty-one young men and women received diplomas, passed off auspiciously on the evening of June 24, in our splendid auditorium, complimented by the presence of about 3000 Christian men and women. We feel very happy over the successful commencement, the first in our great new building, and especially proud of the personnel of the class. About ISO students of the school, and the twenty-one members of the graduating class, occupied the platform, together with the faculty and Rev. William Evans, D. D., speaker of the evening. The representatives of the class on the programme acquitted themselves with special credit and to the pride of the school, while the address of Dr. Evans was a classic of its kind, de­ livered in language, voice and manner that left an impression as a model platform pre­ sentation. The full programms was as fol­ lows : 'Congregational hymn, “Jesus Shall

these four features in the Pentateuch to which attention has been drawn are facts which may be said to be absolutely undeniable. No one surely can deny that the incident of Sarah and Hagar shows a close agreement with the Code of Hammurabi; no one can say that the name “Jerusalem” does occur in the Pentateuch; no one can say that any mention of sacred song does occur in the Ritual of the Pentateuch; and no one can say that the Divine title “Lord of Hosts” does occur in the Pentateuch. And in view of these undeniable facts, the Graf-Wellhausen theory of the composition of the Pentateuch— no matter what number of scholars should endorse it—is logically and absolutely impossible to be true. Reign” ; Scripture, R. Charles Lewis; prayer, Rev. T. C. Horton; Institute chorus, under the direction of Prof. L. F. Peck- ham ; class poem, Donald G. Barnhouse; class song, “Though Your Sins Be as Scar­ let” ; class history, Miss Florence Frances Pike; “A Parting Word,” Harlow W. Par­ sons, president of the class, for the men; Miss Mary Florence Cake, for the women; Henry George Greenewald, for the music course; Congregational hymn, “Bringing Back the King”; “Lessons I Have Learned from My Trip to Bible Lands,” Rev. Wil­ liam Evans, D. D .; duet, “Living Waters,” Prof. L. F. Peckham and Miss Annie Mac- laren; presentation of diplomas, Lyman Stewart, president of the Board of Direc­ tors; Congregational hymn, “Our Institute Prayer” ; benediction, Rev. John H. Hunter. In her class history, Miss Florence Pike turned a neat trick by writing from 1922— seven ^pars. in jEe future-,in which she foreshadowed the life-work of some of her class-mates. Miss Pike herself will join her sister, Bessie, in China, though she mod-

------------ «- BIBLE INSTITUE COMMENCEMENT Splendid Class of Graduates Receive Diplomas Those Who Go to Foreign Fields

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