King's Business - 1915-08

By Rev. Wm. Evans, Ph. D., D. D. Noted Traveler and Bible Teacher with the World’s Bible Conference

Mote.— The following sermon on “The Crux of C hristianity; th e R esurrection of Jesus C hrist,” w as delivered by1Dr. E vans in th e Auditorium of the Bible In ­ stitu te of Los Angeles on Sunday, June 20, 1915. The eloquent W elsh preacher delighted g reat audiences during the m onth of June by his charm ing presence and.convincing logic.— Editor.

the center. You cannot touch the life of Qhrist at any one point without affecting it in the whole. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not or­ namental to Christianity, it is fundamental: it is not an ornament to the Christian tem­ ple, it is its foundation. If the Resurrec­ tion of Jesus Christ can be successfully de­ nied, then Christianity is in a bad plight. Paul says, “If Christ be not risen,” “your faith is vain,” and “our preaching is vain.” Then, as to its nature, the Gospel is wanting in reality; and as to its power, it is lacking in results. If Christ be' not risen then the Gospel IS nothing ; it DOES nothing. THE HEART AND CORE. Take away from Paul’s Gospel the fact that Christ rose from the dead and you have taken the very heart and core out of his message; then the Gospel is nothing but a

AM to speak to you this //^morning on the Crux of Christianity, namely the res- OTurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. In

some quarters it is said that the Resurrec- tidn of Jesus Christ can be denied and Christianity still remain intact. But that is not true; you cannot separate any single part of Christianity from the whole. If you begin by denying the Virgin Birth, and end by denying 'the bodily Resurrection of Christ, the probabilities are that very soon you will rule- out of Christianity the perfect moral character of the Christ, for a sinless Christ, a sinless being is supernatural, and the tendency of modern thought is to rule out the supernatural; therefore if you rule out the Virgin Birth at the beginning, and the Resurrection at the end of Christ’s life it will not be very long before you have ruled out the perfect sinless personality in

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