King's Business - 1915-08



but who had been brought up to dance, play cards, etc., came to see the writer and ask him what was the harm in these things. We asked the student if some of those who had danced with the fine girls at th e . recent dance had not gone from the dance to cer­ tain places, and that was admitted. Then we asked the result of the dance upon him in specific directions; and the young man’s eyes were opened. The Christian girl who dances is doing an awful work. The “inno­ cent” card playing of professed Christian mothers, sisters and Sunday school teachers has led many a boy and some girls to a gambler’s ruin and some to a murderer’s cell. The dancing, card playing and theater­ going of many professed Christians has been the stumbling block over which many have stumbled into a rejection of Christ and intos an eternal Hell. This, too, we could prove by specific instances if there were space (Romans 14:21). 4. The fourth harm that there is in a pro­ fessing Christian’s dancing, going to the the­ atre and playing cards is that indulgence in these things robs the prayers of those who do them of power. God has given us in 1 TT seems to us that we have come to the meeting of two ways one or other of which must be taken soon—Socialism in a fuller measure of its destructive policy, end­ ing in chaos and the Man of Lawlessness, or a temporary check of these forces, with recovered power to the interests of land and capital, with a great State Church wed­ ded to these interests. If so, nothing short of the Roman Hierarchy can fill this place. Many things point to this~ possibility; and, as we have more than once said to our read­ ers, the prophetic Word, still waiting ful­ fillment, appears to us to necessitate some­ thing of the kind. The book of the Reve­ lation of Jesus Christ, interpreted as we of the Futurist School understand it, tells us that .when at last the Man of Lawlessness

John 3 :22 a very clear description of those whose prayers He hears. If God is to hear our prayers we must “do the things which are pleasing in His sight.” There can be no honest question in the mind of anyone who carefully and candidly studies the sub­ ject that dancing, theatre-going and card playing are not pleasing in the sight of a Holy God. There is no time here to go into detail but all thoughtful people know, for example, that a familiarity of contact is per­ mitted between the sexes in the most select dance that is nowhere else permitted in de­ cent society. Is God pleased? To ask the question is to answer it. If we are thor­ oughly honest we know He is not. Then we must give the dance up or lose power in prayer. The same is true, of the theatre and the cards. If there were space we could tell many things that we personally know about dancing, the theatre and cards, at their very best, that prove conclusively that they do not please God. Then give them up or lose power in prayer. Are you willing to pay such a fearful price in order to keep your beloved indulgences. Go over all that has been said on your knees before God and settle the question. does come upon the scene, he and his ten allied rulers are, in the beginning of their career, seen supporting and being directed by the Harlot, Rev. 17. At a subsequent part of their career, these potentates destroy thé false church, but at first she is. seen as we have said. There can be no doubt that the Harlot is the Church of Rome; and there can be no doubt that if she is ever to'regain a great national ascendancy, it will be in and through the English peopfe. Ultimately Atheistic Socialism, in its ac­ cepted Satanic Head, shall be on the field of sovereignty when our Lord at last comes with the myriads of His saints. Of this we are sure; but the nearer future may be the set-back which we have indicated, with Rome in power .—Morning Star.


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