King's Business - 1915-08



Mothers who cared naught for church or God’s claim, and rah after dances and all the other attractions the Devil has to offer, were soundly converted and came into the church. A man who was addicted to the drink habit, and had gone home and chased his wife out of the house with a butcher knife, gave his heart to God and began the victorious life. Another man who had for­ bidden his wife to go to church, was so un­ der conviction that he couldn’t sleep. He called his wife to his bed and asked her for­ giveness for the past, and asked the Chris­ A NOTHER month has passed and brought with. it many things to be thankful for. We were permitted to board a number of new steamers and to come in contact with hundreds of men, almost all of them unsaved. The Lord helped in an­ swer to prayer, and souls were saved here and there. On one occasion, an elderly man was found in his cabin, resting from his work down in the hot engine room, and seem­ ingly brooding over something. He said to the worker, “I -have met you before, a long time ago,” so an introduction was not necessary, the way being opened and the heart prepared by God, as was found a little later. Instead of the expected apparent in­ difference, it was found that this man, after having read a tract given to him at the time of his first meeting the worker, was put under conviction and led to cut loose from all bad influences and bad companions. “I know that one must have the fear of God in him, and I believe that I’m a sinner, and know there is a God; one can’t but think of it during the long hours of the night when on watch,” he said, and added: “I have felt that all wasn’t right with me, and have done all I could to live a better lire.” He was really concerned about his

tians to pray for him. There have been scores of conversions. The second Sunday God gave us great liberty in speaking on Romans 12:1. About thirty Christians came forward and fully surrendered to God. One man is looking forward to the ministry, Marty eyes were wet with tears as the Spirit brought home the wonderful mercy of God. A Bible class is started, and they are studying Dr. Tor- rey’s book, “What the Bible Teaches.” Pray for these people, and for us, that God will give us strength to carry on the blessed work. salvation, and yet unable to see the sim­ plicity of regeneration. Friends whom he asked for advice (well-meaning, but using false Scriptural terms, as “You must pray and give your heart to God”) had confused him, and put a stumbling stone in his way. It was a joy to tell him that there was nothing required of him but faith in Christ, and into his soul there stole a ray of hope and light. “I couldn’t pray through,” he said, “but I can see how a man can accept a gift when he is in need, and-1 do want to accept Christ.” We believe he really came out into the light. He is one of many found to have been shut out from the way of life because of misleading, unscrip- tural terms and ignorance of the plan of salvation, on the part of Christian workers and friends. Many have told the worker that once they felt they were sinners, and when they inquired the way of life, found they could not succeed in following the ad­ vice given and so gave up. It is a sad thing to be a Christian and not bek able to point out the simple plan of salvation, thus hindering a soul from, entering the King- doin. A brown-skinned man was found srnoking among a pile of rope. He was a typical Hawaiian, and confessed right away that

— -------- 0------------ WORK AT LOS, ANGELES HARBOR Oscar Zimmermann, Supt.

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