King's Business - 1915-08



basin, soap, water and towel, placed at the door ready for each boy’s use as he comes in, has met with hearty approval from them. All wash and some comb their hair before coming in. Clean hands and faces make them feeL'quite dressed up. Several new boys have come in during the month, and there has been good order and attention. A regular course of Bible instruction, with an appropriate Scripture verse to learn, has been planned and is followed each Sunday. We ask your prayers for this school, which is held from 11:30 to 12:00 each Lord’s Day noon. The Mexican anarchist who was brought to God last year, has been making rapid strides in Christian living and knowledge. He has an exceptionally clear understanding of the truths of God’s Word. Each Lord’s Day morning he helps -in the Plaza open air Bible Class, always giving a splendid message, clear and Scriptural. From fifty to one hundred, or more, are present at each of these classes, almost all unconverted men. This brother also helps frequently during the week at the open air meetings, and afterwards drinks in the Bible exposi­ tions given each evening at the Misjion Hall. During the last month forty-seven Gospel meetings were conducted, with an attend­ ance of 1444. Eight Bible classes and eleven other meetings were held elsewhere than at the Mession. Four visits were made to the hospital. Each Lord’s Day the city jail has been visited with the Gospel message. Ten persons have confessed the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.

gathered for the meeting, I said, “Men, God has a great future for the Jews.” If some one had hit him, he probably would not have been more startled. Then God’s deal­ ings with the Jews, past, present and future, were briefly outlined. The two lines of Messianic prophecy and types, so distinctly seen throughout the Scriptures, were dwelt upon and Old Testament Scriptures cited. That Jesus was indeed that Messiah, that He fulfilled all that the prophets had writ­ ten concerning the sufferings of the Christ during the time .Hie was here on earth, and that He must come again to fulfill the re­ maining prophecies concerning the Messianic glory, were emphasized. The little Jew, as well as the other men, listened attentively. Afterwards, in a personal conversation with him, he showed a deep interest in the sub­ ject. He was given a Gospel of John, which he promised to read. When we visited the jail the following Lord’s Day, he said he had read it through. May the Lord make him a chosen vessel. A large number of Mexicans are in the jail, and a message is given in Spanish for them. The city jails offer a great field for definite Christian work. Clothing, both un­ der and outside, has been most gratefully received. “Are you learning your verse for next Sunday?” thus one little fellow was ques­ tioned by one of the teachers of the Street Boys Sunday School. “Nope. Got it learned already,” was his reply. There are many bright little fellows among these boys, and we long to win them for God. 'The wash

------------ $----- i ------ WORK IN THE SHOPS David Cant, Supt.

■NTOW little any of us realize the far- ^ ’ reaching influences of even one prec­ ious seed sown in good soil; for while the sower passes through many sad experiences which call for a strong, brave heart of faith in Him who cannot fail, and who wilt pros­

per that wherein it pleases Him, there are also numerous foretastes of the coming sur­ prises, even now while we go forth to sow in any soil. If even the cup of water given in His name is to be brought into remem­ brance before our Lord Jesus Christ who sat

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