King's Business - 1915-08



recently, one of the boys admitted that he purposely hid behind his newspaper in an isolated part of the barn, hoping we would come and discover him and have a heart to heart talk about “these things.” Like: Nico- demtis who “came by night for fear of the Jews,” he lacked the moral courage to come out in the open. We have been quite encouraged by hear­ ing that our men are attending the lectures at the Institute. We have opportunities of giving out hundreds of invitations weekly, and are glad to know that some of the boys are taking advantage of these splendid treats, and that they are keenly interested in learning more about Jesus. We often have a quiet word with the men on their cars. One recent convert wanted something clear to give his wife who was steeped in a religion of works. An­ other newly saved man, with bright, happy face, was looking forward to being re­ united with wife and children after a long separation, while another as we boarded his car after a particularly hard and indiffer­ ent car barn meeting, said, “I tell you the boys think and talk of these things after you’re gone.” ; Still another report has reached us that seven of the men and their wives desire a Bible meeting of their very own started in one of their homes. As new doors open to us all the time, we earnestly bespeak a continued interest in the prayers of God’s people for a deeper heart interest in these needy ones, and the ten­ derness and compassion of Christ as He looked out and saw the multitudes starving for the Bread of Life.

over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast into the treasury, my! won’t it be a wonderful time when the rewards 'are handed out? I am thinking of a seed which took root in the heart of one dear fellow. One of our untiring Bible women was used of God in winning a star for His crown, and it has been my privilege to follow up the work week by week. The husband was reached through watching the effect upon his wife who had previously accepted Christ, and soon we expect to see their only son brought to know Him whom to know is life eternal. There are four brothers in the East and the dear old mother whom they are reach- ■ ing out after. There has been a hard bat­ tle to gain the mastery over a besetting sin of many years. Four days last week were entirely given up from business to the strug­ gle, but He is able, and it spelled victory that time; but the poor fellow needs our prayers to be able to effectually take hold of Christ for complete deliverance from the power of sin. As we enter some, of these‘homes, we are better able to appreciate their real strug­ gles, defeats and battles. We must lend a hand in many queer and peculiar ways in order’ to break down the obstacles which the Devil uses to keep the soul from Christ. The boys who go to the front in the battles now waging in the East, must be adaptable, and so must the soldiers of Christ. The writer got at one man by turning domestic servant, and cleaning and pressing his clothes, meanwhile pouring in the Word of God. After bearding the lion in his den

-----------$----------- WORK AT YOKEFELLOWS’ HALL William Sloan, Supt.

‘C'VERY evening at 7:15 we are holding a street meeting, corner Main and Eighth. We have great expectations for this service. A good crowd usually, and they give marked attention. Our orchestra attachment is a big help.'1 One of the Mission converts stopped the

other night on the street and gave a testi­ mony that he was “still sticking and praising the Lord.” . He is working as a cook in one of the Road Camps. Three of the boys who found Christ in the Mission, but have been away, returned this month and have a good report of victory in

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