King's Business - 1915-08

International S. S. Lessons

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Exposition and Practical Application Outlines and Suggestive Points By T. C. Horton [§1111 .......................... ...................illll......................... 1 ........Mill............................... ............... I!l!llllllilll[n} The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon AUGUST 1, 1915, LESSON V. 1 Kings 10:1-10, 13. (Commit vs. 8, 9.) G olden T ext : “Wisdom is better than rubies.”—Prov. 8:11.

DAILY- BIBLE READINGS Mon., July 26—1 Kings 10:1-13. Tue., July 27—1 Kings 10:16-24. Wed., July 28—Matt. 12:35-42. Thurs., July 29—Ecc. 2:1-11. Fri., July 30—Psa. 119:33-40, Sat., July 31—Eph. 1 :17-23. Sun., Aug. 1—Prov. 8:1-9.


v. 1. “And when the Queen of Sheba heard the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord,.she came to prove him with hard questions.” Solomon appears in this lesson as a ,most remarkable type of Christ. There are in it suggestions of very many exceeding precious truths about our Solomon, the Lord Jesus. One appears right in this opening verse. Solomon’s greatness could not be hid, it was noised abroad far and wide; just as it was with our Solomon when he was here upon earth (Mark 1:45; 2:1). True greatness can never be hid.. It does not need to advertise itself. Its own fame extends far and wide (ch. 4:31, 34). Way down to Sheba, in the remote south­ west corner of Arabia, the fame of Solo­ mon’s wisdom weajt, and that before the day of railroads, telegraph, telephones, and newspapers.' Though Solomon was match­ less in _scientific knowledge, in proverbial philosophy, in, poetic gifts (ch. 4:30-33), still it was in the higher knowledge, the knowledge of God, that he was especially famous, it was his fame “concerning the name of the LORD," of which the Queen of Sheba heard in her remote home. ' The

Queen of Sheba had a real hunger for the truth, especially for the truth about God, and although she did not altogether believe all the wonderful things she had heard con­ cerning Solomon (v. 7), she resolved to go and find out for herself._ What an example for us, and what a reproof to us, that we do not more eagerly hasten to the Lord Jesus to put Him to the test, and see what He can teach us. She will rise up in the judgment against those of the present gen­ eration, who have heard of .a far greater than Solomon, but who merely say “We do not believe,” and haven’t enough real love for the truth .to come and see for themselves (cf. Jno. 1:44-51; Matt. 12:42). The coming of the.Queen of Sheba to Solo­ mon was a foreshadowing of the time when the kings of Sheba and Seba-shall come bringing their gifts to that Son of David, the real king, of' whom Solomon was but the. type (Ps. 72:10, 11, 15; Isa. 60:6-9)., The wisdom which the Queen of Sheba sought is that which is wisdom indeed, and which it is eternal life to know—wisdom concerning God (cf. Prov. 2:2-6; Jno. 17: 3). The way that she sought to test Solo-

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