King's Business - 1915-08


THE KING’S BUSINESS There can hardly be any reasonable doubt but that the “Bible Institutes” of our land have had much to do with this revival in the teaching of “the English Bible pure and simple.” It is a real question now where to secure teachers for these “chairs.” It might not be out of place to say that we shall have to look to the Bible Institutes, which for years have been specializing in the teaching of the English Bible, for the supply of men and women to occupy the positions soon to be available in our colleges. These Institutes have in them, as enrolled and resident students, many men and women who have had full collegiate, and in many instances post-graduate and seminary work, who nevertheless have felt the need of a deeper knowledge of the “English Bible” and have devoted additional time to its study. It is to be naturally expected, therefore, that these Bible Institutes shall be the places to which the church shall look for efficient Bible teachers—at least for the present. use of the International Sunday School Lessons. It will hereafter be our aim to place the magazine in the mails during the first few days of each month, so that it may reach the most remote reader in time. There is much good reading in every number, and hundreds of subscribers who make use of the Home Devotional Readings are satisfied with the present arrangement, but those who wish the exposition and comments on the Sunday School Les­ sons for use in Sunday Schools have found themselves handicapped by their tardy receipt. It is our purpose to make the magazine ever more interesting and attrac­ tive, as well as a source of greater inspiration to Christian people and a lamp to the feet of the young. Our subscribers are urged to help the cause of the Master and help us by inducing their friends to subscribe. All surplus funds go to the further free distribution of religious literature. There is no com­ mercialism about any department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. It has been found, that the plan of mailing T he K ing ' s B u sin ess by the 20th of the current month is not satisfactory to subscribers in remote portions of this and other countries, who are interested in the Sunday School Lessons on Time

It is stated in some quarters today that even though the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ be denied, Christian- ity nevertheless itself remains-intact. This is fatal and erroneous teaching. Paul the Apostle makes Chris­

The Crux of Christianity.

tianity answer for its life with belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This great single fact in Christ’s life cannot be separated from all the other facts that go to make up the gospel history as a whole. Jesus Christ is not to be divided. The dissolution of one supernatural fact of that life means the dissolution of the whole. If you begin by denying the Virgin Birth at the commencement of his earthly life, and then the Resurrection at the end, it will not be long before the sinless life He lived between these two supernatural events will be denied, for a sinless life and a sinless human being is as supernatural a fact as either the Virgin Birth or the Resurrection.

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