Sports & Ortho Therapy. Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

W H A T O U R P A T I E N T S A R E S A Y I N G :

“I am so glad I found this place!” “Everyone in this establishment is wonderful! I came to them really injured, and they gave me lots of very good exercises and many practical things to do at home that were extremely helpful. They watched me and made sure that I had just the right posture during the exercises, and this was enormously helpful. I highly recommend Robert Grossman and his intern Christina who were both incredible! I am so glad I found this place!” - Artemis M.

When we remodeled our facility, we endeavored to develop a clinic which is open and inviting. The color scheme and art work were included to encourage a safe-healing environment. Besides being beautiful it is extremely functional with 3200 square feet of clinical treatment area.


W E ’ V E G O T Y O U R B A C K !

At Sports and Orthopaedic Therapy Services, we pride ourselves in our ability to identify the primary structure which may be causing a patient’s back pain. Back pain may be caused by a variety of problems, from degenerative conditions, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, work injuries and many others. A thorough examination is necessary to identify the primary somatic dysfunction, looking at postural considerations, muscle length and strength, motion difficulties and patterns, as well as neural mobility. From the examination and the patient’s historical information the therapist will design a treatment plan that will normalize the various areas of dysfunction found through the evaluative process. Treatment will be sequenced in a

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Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment. WE ’ RE HERE TO HE LP YOU WI TH : • Low Back & Neck Pain • Hip, Knee, & Leg Pain • Hand, Arm, & Shoulder Pain

logical fashion with the goal of restoring pain-free mobility, strength/stability, and function. Treatment will include manual therapy using direct and indirect procedures, such as muscle energy, counterstrain, myofascial release, neural mobilization and others. Home exercises will be given to the patient that complements the physical therapy treatments. You can count on SP.OR.T.S. to provide you with an effective treatment approach that will resolve your back pain.


THORACIC ROTATION Sit with your arms folded in front your chest. Rotate your upper back to one side while keeping your lower back tight and as still as possible. Rotate to the other side, then repeat the motion 6-10 times.

• Post-surgical Rehab • Balance Problems • Vestibular & Neurological Disorders • Headaches


Many patients benefit from this exercise, and we hope it helps you, too! However, if it is not met with a good outcome rapidly, please do not continue to perform the exercise. Togetan individualizedexerciseprogram foryourspecificproblem, it isbest toseeaSP.OR.T.S.physical therapist to perform an evaluation at which time a more focused approach will really make a difference.

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