King's Business - 1956-09

by Dorothy C. Haskin

—come unsolicited testi­ monials of Sunday School teaching made clearer, easier, and more inspir­ ing through Gospel Light "Correctly Graded” Les­ sons. These are typical:

and every eye turned toward the door. One of them called, “Our fathers have come for us.” “Get your coats,” Miss Augusta ordered, but the boys and girls were already crowding toward the cloak room. “You were our little heroine,” Miss Augusta patted Ada on the back. “I was afraid some of the girls were going to cry, and then you said those Bible verses. I’m sure they cheered all of us greatly.” Ada was happy because Miss Augusta liked the verses. But she could not help wondering what the boys and girls thought. As they started toward the cloak room, Margaret came up to Ada and asked, “Are you a Christian?” “Yes,” Ada nodded. “Well, I’m glad. And look, we have a Sunday school in my home Sunday afternoons. It isn’t large, but if your family will come, it will help us a lot. We hope to have enough folks interested before long so that we can meet here in the schoolhouse.” Margaret smiled sud­ denly. “And, say, I just wish I knew Bible verses as you do! Will you teach us the ones you know?” “I’d be glad to.” “Maybe your mother will let you and your sister ride to school with me. My father takes me, and we pass your home.” “I’m sure she would,” Ada an­ swered, thankful that she not only had a friend, but a Christian friend. Grand Junction, Colo.; 13. EVELYN TESTON, 375 West Ewald Ave., Salem, Ore.; 11; swimming, reading. MARCIA YULICH , 332 Warren Rd., San Mateo, C a lif.; 13; sewing, sports. Any boys and girls interested in joining our pen pal club write Pen Pal Editor, The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, C alif. Include age and interests.— ED.)

school songs. Ada didn’t know any of them, so she sat with her hands on her desk, wishing that she did. Each song was sung by fewer of the boys and girls until they had sung all they knew. The big clock pointed to three-thirty. Ada thought it had been the longest hour she had ever lived through. “Perhaps our new pupils know something they could recite. Do you, Ada?” Miss Augusta looked anxiously at Ada. Ada swallowed. She had memo­ rized Bible verses to win her Bible, but the thought of saying them in front of all these strange boys and girls made her shiver inside. “I’m sure we would like to hear anything you know,” Miss Augusta encouraged. “Say your verses,” Emily gave her sister a little push. Ada .breathed a prayer, and the thought came to her that these boys and girls needed the Bible verses to help them to be brave. She went to the front and recited the First Psalm. “That’s fine,” Miss Augusta en­ couraged. “Do you know another?” Ada took a deep breath and be­ gan the Twenty-Third Psalm. A warm feeling of happiness came into her heart because she knew she was pleasing her Lord. When she finished the Twenty-Third Psalm, without stopping, she began John 14, reciting verses one to six. Suddenly there was a knocking BARBARA ANDERSON, Clifton, Colo.; 13; ice skating, piano, horses. DAVID KLEINSCHMIDT, 19 De Mott A ve., Clifton, N .J.; 11; baseball, gardening. KEITH FORSTER, 34 Tana St., Doom, Welkom, O .F.S., So. A frica; 17; witness­ ing, history. AKIBU PELU, P.O. Box 57, Ikorodu, N i­ geria; 13; swimming, football. LINDA ANN ROTHLIN, 524-29 Rd„ PEN PALS

DAYTON, OHIO— "Your mate­ rials aremost excellent—beautiful and scripturally sound.” ANACORTES, WASH. — "Our attendance hasmore than doubled, we give credit to your material.” NEW YORK CITY—". . . our Sunday School won five TV Bible quiz contests since studying Gos­ pel Light Lessons.” SPENARD, ALASKA—". . . we find a new life throughout our Sunday School.” UDORN, THAILAND — " . children are learning the solid facts of Christianity.” KEESEVILLE, N. Y — "I likeyour material because it is Christ—and Bible-centered.” W ILMORE, KENTUCKY — "Your literature is absolutely the finest on the market.” Gospel Light Lessons can re­ vitalize your Sunday School 1. Gospel Light Lessons teach the whole Bible, adapted to the language and experience of the individual pupil. 2. When the course of study is con­ cluded, the pupil has received'a com­ plete Bible course. 3. The lessons are "child concerned” malting the teaching very personal. 4. As in public school, lessons are graded for each year, which provides a gradual teaching program geared to the ever-changing needs of the pupil. See For Yourself— Go to your nearest Christian bookstore or write direct for information. • 60 SPELLIGHTPRESS W 1214 $. Brand Blvd. G lendale 4 , Calif. % 65 Central Ave. Mound, Minnesota PLEASE SEND FREE FOLDER- Dept giving complete details on Gos­ pel Light Lessons and a chart on "How To Organize Your Sun­ day School." Name--------------------------- ---- — — ■ Address________________________________________ City_________________________Zone---- State---- Position in S.S. or Church.................... .......... Church----------------------------------------— KB 9



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