King's Business - 1956-09

Out of the

Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Biola Bible College

CLARKE'S COMMENTARY on the entire Bible

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Can God Be Known Persona lly?

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S ome scientists have felt that recent discoveries have made it difficult for men to believe in the personal, prayer answering God of the Chris­ tian faith. The astronomer as he has probed the outer reaches of space has revealed a universe that is millions of times larger than ancient man even imagined. Man is now seen as a lit­ tle creature bound to a globe circling around a star that is only one of mil­ lions in our galaxy which is, in turn, only one of millions of galaxies, each with their millions of stars. To make man seem even more insignificant the astronomer has told us that all of these astronomical bodies are distrib­ uted through an expanse of space so vast that the mind of man finds it difficult to grasp the magnitude of its dimensions. Also the atomic physicist as he has probed down into matter has uncovered another world of com­ plexity. He finds the atoms are made up of little particles, all intricately arranged, all following describable laws. After viewing this world which the scientist has described, some won­ der how God, f if He exists, could possibly be concerned about man who is such an insignificant part of such a vast and complicated universe as ours. It is interesting that the scientist is not the first one to ask this question. For 3,000 years ago David in Psalm 8 asked much the same thing and for the same reason. “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” However, it is interesting to note that instead of leading to skepticism, Da­ vid’s observations led to a deeper in­ sight into the nature of God’s con­ cern for man. According to today’s standards, David might have been very ignorant of the true nature of the universe but one cannot doubt that even with David’s incomplete knowledge he was overwhelmed by the vastness of what he saw. Yet

this did not cause him to doubt the existence of God or His interest in man. Why is it that the intricacies of the universe create in one observer the attitude of doubt while in another it is responsible for a deeper under­ standing of God? Could it not be that the two observers approach the evidence from different points of view? The scientist sees this universe as one operating by natural laws that he can observe and describe. Since God cannot be seen, some scientists reason that if God really exists He must be outside of what is being ob­ served. In other words, He must be outside of the immense universe that the scientist has discovered. These scientists find it difficult to think that such a distant God could be concerned about the problems of man as he lives upon this speck of matter called earth. David, on the other hand, being raised in the Hebrew tradition, knew God as the Creator of all things. His God was not a Creator that went off and left His creation but was one who was necessary for its continued operation. The Hebrew God created and oversees the laws controlling the operation of the galaxies as well as those necessary for organizing the atom. On this view, if God is re­ sponsible for the functioning of such a minute thing as the atom there can be no logical reason for not thinking that God would not be concerned about man. This is a concept of God that Jesus not only endorsed in word but also validated through the sacri­ fice of Himself on Calvary so that man through faith in Him could enter into a closer personal relation­ ship with God than had been possible before. We see then that there is nothing in the nature of the evidence that causes some scientists to wonder about the existence of a personal God but rather it is the result of their pre­ conceived idea of what God is that causes them to doubt. END.


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