King's Business - 1956-09




Outline helps and questions for personal and group study

WILL WE LOSE IT? First: Thank God for 8 6 years of mission­ ary evangelism in Africa. Then: Face these hard facts: ^ Less than 5% of Africa's total popula­ tion are professing Christians (Protes­ tants) V An estimated 100,000,000 Africans -— or half the continent's total population — have never yet heard the Gospel! * ◄ Egypt is calling for $50,000,000 to take Africa for Mohammed. With critical shortages of Christian li­ terature, Communists are producing an average of four pieces of literature for every person in Africa!

Searching the Scriptures

b y C h e s t e r J. P a d g e t t

John (continued) & Acts

given .to the Holy Spirit in verse 16? (See‘ the footnote in the Scofield Bible.) 2. How does our Lord indicate the permanent relationship of the Holy Spirit with each believer? (w. 16, 17.) 3. What is the chief evidence of the believer’s love for Christ? (v. 21.) 4. What is the reward for obedi­ ence? (v. 23.) 5. What further blessed ministry occupies the Holy Spirit? (v. 26.) How does this verse prove the inspir­ ation of the New Testament? (Continued) 1. What sweet legacy did our Lord leave for His own? (14:27.) How does His peace differ from that of the world? 2. What is the central emphasis of 15:1-17? • 3. What are the conditions of spir­ itual fruit-bearing? (w. 4, 5.) 4. How does the Father insure fruit in each believer’s life? (v. 2.) 5. What central commandment is connected with the believer’s fruit­ bearing? (vv. 10, 12-15.) (Continued) 1. What blessed relationship does the b e l i e v e r s u s t a i n in Christ? 2. Who took the initiative in win­ ning the lost to Christ? (v. 16.) For what purpose? What is the wonderful promise in this verse? 3. What warning does our Lord give His disciples in 15:18-25? Why does the world hate the believer? (v. 19.) 4. Who is it that empowers the believer to witness for Christ even in a hostile world? (w. 26, 27.) CONTINUED Study Questions on Chapters 14 and 15 Study Questions on Chapters 15 and 16

Study Questions on Chapter 13 1. The section including chapters' 13-17 is called “the holy of Holies of John.” This is a good title. In these five chapters our Lord teaches pre­ cious truth designed only for the in­ ner circle — the fellowship of believ­ ers who really loved Him. This teach­ ing is not for the ears of the world. The primary purpose of the material in this section is to comfort the dis­ ciples in the light of His soon depar­ ture back to heaven. For how long a period will Jesus love His own? (v. 1.) 2. What do you think is the main lesson taught by the incident of the foot-washing? (w. 2-20.) 3. Notice the Scofield note on verse 10. Does the believer need a daily cleansing in this regard? 4. How does our Lord indicate the necessity of obedience? (v. 17.) 5. Who was actually the instigator of the betrayal of our Lord? (v. 27.) (Continued) 1. We admire the apparent loyalty of Peter to Christ, but his later actions indicate a decided weakness in Peter’s character at this moment. What is his weakness? (13:36-38.) How can the believer overcome this tendency in his own life? 2. Why the teaching of 14:1-4? An­ swer this question in the light of the setting of the passage. 3. What does Christ teach about Himself in 14:6, 7-12? 4. What encouragement is given in 14:13, 14? 5. What one thing pleases God more than anything else as far as the believer is concerned? (v. 15.) Study Questions on Chapter 14 (Continued) 1. What is the meaning of the title Study Questions on Chapters 13 and 14

TO WIN AFRICA, WE MUST • Intensify missionary effort.

• Supply Christian literature in enormous quantities to meet the challenge of the new literates. • Train African Christians in soul-winning.

The Pocket Testament League's Africa Cam­ paign is helping to accomplish these goals. Mis­ sionaries and African Christians are giving their wholehearted support to this Scripture distribu­ tion and evangelization campaign. American dollars are needed to supply the Scripture por­ tions. We need your help to meet this challenge. The eternal destiny of African souls may hinge on your answer! WRITE TO: ALFRED A. KUNZ, International Director The PoeketTestament/ League ? 156 Fifth Avenue New York 10, N .Y. meAccatir rMESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission Radio to the State of Israel Daily 8 :3 0 -9 P.M. Workers in Jerusalem and many Amer­ ican cities. Hear how God is working! Write today to: MILTON B. LINDBERG — or ARCHIE A. MACKINNEY 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III. Great Need!

Pray for the evangelizing of Uruguay, little known and long neglected field. Our faith work has established an Indigenous Church and includes the first Bi- ble School in the country training National workers; also Radio, Col- portage and unique Prison min-

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Rev. F.V. Dabold istry, etc. Founder-Director Doors are Open Many hungry hearts waiting for the Word, little opposition. Splendid group of full time workers in the field. Hold up their hands— swell their number with your prayers and gifts. Write for FREE news letter today EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. BOX 70 -K v FRESNO, CALIFORNIA



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