King's Business - 1956-09

M!!lllllllllllllMlllnnllllllHlllllllllilllllllllllllihlHI[llll lll f ll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllj|^ ( A NEW BOOK | ( by Andrew W. | | Blackwood | iiiiiiiiiiii DOCTRINAL “■p® ' gregations wanted more to hear ser­ mons on the great doctrines of faith —God, Christ, eternal life, the Kingdom of God, and others. The first part of this book discusses . the why of doctrinal preaching— the reasons for its return, how to preach doctrine directly, how to use doctrine in pulpit counseling, and the like. The second portion is concerned with the how of doc­ trinal preaching— the choice of a doctrine, treatment of the particu­ lar passage, and the joys of this type of preaching. Practical help for ministers and students who realize the need for b e tte r understanding today of Christianity’s central doctrines. Published September 10 ......... $3 Also by Dr. Blackwood: Biographical Preaching for Today ... ........................ $3 Expository Preaching for Today ............................ $3 Preaching From Prophetic Books ............................ $2.50 Pastoral Leadership............. $3 Preparation of Sermons ..... $3 The Protestant Pulpit......... $4 Evangelism in the Home Church............................ $1.75 The Fine Art of Public Worship ........................ $2.50 Planning a Year’s Pulpit Work .............................. $2.50 Preaching From the Bible .... $2 Preaching From Samuel ..... $2 I'liniiiitiiiii at all bookstores ■ ■ iiiiii ( AB INGDON PRESS | ilIII[|||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.»lllllllll!l[|[IEIIIIIIII!llij|illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUffl PREACHING FOR TODAY Never before have Christian con-

Dawson Trotman

Sirs: We would question one letter of one word of one sentence of your article on Dawson Trotman. We think it should read “He knew only a few dedicated believers would (not could) stand the pace and perfection de­ manded by the Navigators . . . .” His goal was not a clique of super-cy­ clones doing wonders for the Lord, but the realistic vision of making disciples of believers. Canoga Park, Mr. & Mrs. Burt Harwick Calif. Sirs: My son was saved in the Naviga­ tors and I would like the copy of the issue on Dawson Trotman for him. Oakland, Calif. Mrs. C. Gilbertson Sirs: I would like to have the Aug. K.B. We think it is an extremely well- written article and a terrific picture of Daws. Dallas, Tex. William A. Shell Devotionals Sirs: I am enjoying the many new arti­ cles which are appearing from time to time, especially the devotionals which I frequently use in preparing my Sunday school lessons. Sun Valley, Calif. Winifred Bass When Prayer Is Pain Sirs: There are so many good and in­ spiring articles in each copy, but the one on “When Prayer Is Pain” by Oswald J. Smith is so good for us Christians who are intercessory pray­ er warriors. We often become dis­ couraged. I read part of this to a friend of mine, and she wishes a copy of it for herself because it is so help­ ful and encouraging. San Mateo, Calif. Mrs. Robert Grant To The Neighbors Sirs: I went out last week and took all my old copies and distributed them to the neighbors. And they were all happy to get them. I think many who read the old copies will send for the magazine. Lebanon, Ore. Louise Rees Thank you reader Rees. We think you have a good idea! — ED.

Pictured above is Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary of the American Mission to Greeks, preach­ ing to 1,200 Greek soldiers, of whom this is only a small section. When they were invited to step forward to receive New Testaments their re­ sponse was most spontaneous. But our hearts broke when some recruits asked for an additional Testament to send home and we did not have any to give them. Is it really worthwhile giving out the Word? These men came from hundreds of villages and these New Testaments may be the only witness that will ever enter some of their home towns. This is evangelism of the most effective kind, because the Lord assures us that His Word shall never return void. We have had the privilege of dis­ tributing over a quarter of a million Bibles and New Testaments, some purchased by us and others donated by the Million Testaments Cam­ paigns. Because the need far out­ strips the supply, we have just set up the first and only Protestant printing establishment in the history of Greece to print gospel literature and Scriptures at a fraction of the previous cost. Your dollar now will go much farther in reaching precious souls with the Word of God, maybe as many as seven families. Pray much that the Greeks may see Jesus through His Word while the door is open. Send your gifts to: Ameri­ can Mission to Greeks, Inc., Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada write to 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.) If you wish to receive the soul-stirring diary of Mr. Zodhiates’ missionary journey just completed, write and ask for one. It will give you a new under­ standing of Greece, and of its tiny but heroic Protestant minority.



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