King's Business - 1956-09

Reading time 90 seconds

When GOD Speaks To You I t is a glorious fact that God has given each of us the power of choice. In the matter of salvation God has done everything and then comes to our heart’s door and knocks. Only we can open that door. He will not force His way in against our will. In the matter of stewardship it is the same. The cattle on a thousand hills are His. Ail that we possess comes from Him. Then, as when we were saved, He comes gently and knocks. He asks us about our possessions. And again, only we can make the choice. We can hug them closely to ourselves or we can, out of an open and pure love, give back to Him in order that His work on earth might go on. For nearly 50 years the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. has enjoyed a steadily increasing ministry. Through the grace of our Lord and Saviour this ministry has expanded until today it includes a Bible institute, college, school of missionary medicine, theological seminary, foreign mission outposts in Hong Kong (see page 32, this issue), radio broadcasts (half hour gospel programs three times each week over nearly 50 stations) and a literature work (tracts, books, monthly magazine [ The King’s Business']). Many new friends are needed right now to carry on and expand this vital ministry. Some of you will have estates and cash amount­ ing to many thousands of dollars. Others perhaps will have only a few dollars. Our Saviour knows your ability to give. And knowing that He knows and cares is all that matters. O f course each gift is deductible for income tax purposes. When you give you may designate how you want your gift used by checking the appropriate box below. Because you have freely re­ ceived, therefore, freely give.

A monthly column of names in the news In New York, CBS Radio announced that the 26-year-old, coast-to-coast Church of the Air broadcast will fea­ ture the Bible Institute of Los Angeles on Sunday morning, September 23. In their announcement, CBS noted that a non-church institution is rare­ ly permitted on the .broadcast. But one of the factors for inviting B iola to the broadcast is the school’s out-

President Sutherland with Director Hulin Coast-to-coast on a Sunday morning standing radio choir (directed by Earle Hulin, music department head) that is heard three times each week over 48 stations in the Far West. In Oklahoma City, during a month­ long crusade (crowds totaled 501,000) Evangelist Billy Graham was made an honorary chief and christened “Chief God’s Great Interpreter” at a special Indian Day service. And this month, the evangelist’s biography, a story as intriguing as the feathered head­ dresses worn at the Indian ceremony, will be published by Author Stanley High, a senior editor of The Reader’s Digest. In Korea, Doug Cozart and Kermit Johnson of World Vision, at the invi­ tation of four-star General Poik, preached to over 40,000 ROK army troops with the help of two inter­ preters. Hour-long messages were carefully interpreted to the front-line troops and 4,000 Korean soldiers signed up to take follow-up Bible study courses.

Field Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif

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