King's Business - 1956-09

Under the Parsonage Roof by A lthea S. M ille r

IS YOUR MONEY only working part time*

THOU SHALT NOT Y ou can lick your fingers. That stuff is good. Why can’t I put my hands in that stuff? I’m goin’ to.” “ ‘That stuff’ happens to be dough, Ardyth. I don’t lick my fingers, eith­ er. It isn’t good to eat until it’s baked. Just be patient and we’ll have cinna­ mon rolls and warm bread for din­ ner.” “I don’t wanna wait. Why can’t I put my fingers in that dough? You have yours in it.” “Honey, Mama has more than her fingers in it. She’s almost up to her elbows in the stuff and doesn’t like it, either. I have to do this so the bread and rolls will be light and good. The whole wheat flour makes it more im­ portant to knead the dough so the yeast is well distributed. Go out and play now and Mommie will make you a chicken shaped roll.” “All right,” the four-year-old reluc­ tantly agreed. '“But I’ll be back.” “Yes, General MacArthur,” Mother sighed as she gained at least a tem­ porary respite from her daughter’s importunities. Now as fast as her weary arms al­ lowed, Mother worked at rolling the dough to prepare the cinnamon rolls. Why do children take such delight in poking grimy fingers into the dough, she asked herself? It seems by very nature they enjoy getting into messy situations. Ardyth actually envied Mother’s getting into that goo. “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat . . .” (Gen. 2:17). That must be the answer, Mother contemplated. We want what we should not have. We reach for forbidden fruit. We poke our fingers in the dough of this world’s pleasures which is ever be­ ing “raised” with the leaven of sin. Ardyth wasn’t sinning in wanting to get her fingers into the dough. It was just that she wanted what she should­ n’t have; what was not good for her. All of human nature is shot through with the same desire. Does not the Word say: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). But thank God for the other side of the picture which affirms that all in Christ are “. . . more than con­ querors through him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37). Dear Lord, help me to teach my daughter now that she can­ not have what is not hers to have.


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