Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

5. Use the checklist to correct spelling and punctuation.

4 Select or create images for your ad.

Draw students’ attention to the checklist and read each statement aloud to make sure they understand what it refers to. Then, give pairs some time to check spelling and punctuation using it. Tell them that if any of their answers is “no,” they should make the necessary adjustments.

Reader &an yoX EelieYe eYerything yoX see in ads? (pp. -)

5 Use the checklist to correct spelling and punctuation. 116

(Answers will vary.)

Yes No

Ask what useful information many ads may offer (the product or service price and

Did I spell words with the sound (a i) correctly? Did I spell words with the sound (i ) correctly? Did I write a period for sentences? Did I leave phrases without a period? Did I use exclamation marks for sentences that call the reader’s attention?

information about the retailers). Then, ask: Other than that, how reliable is publicity? Have them discuss in small groups and share their conclusions. Product: Ads As you may recall, in this unit students will create an ad. In this lesson, students will write a list of sentences, phrases, and key words for their ad. Read the first instruction aloud and tell them to follow the models provided in this unit to do it. Monitor while they work to offer help when required. Then, read the second instruction and give them some time to check. Suggest that they use the checklist from Activity 5 to do so. This activity will be your third evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Finally, read the third instruction aloud and explain to them that they should decide what material to use (cardboard, markers, scissors, glue, etc.) so they may bring it to use during the following session. They should also bring the graphic material they will use in their ad. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. Which strategies do effective ads use? Ask the question again and encourage students to mention some of the persuasive strategies they learned in this unit. Differentiated Instruction Activity 4-5: Use the Think-Pair-Share Strategy trying to form pairs in which one of the students may tutor the other. Be sure to highlight the contribution of both students; e.g., one student tutors another to check the ad, but the one being tutored draws beautifully.

Step 4


• Write a list of sentences, phrases, and key words for your ad. • Check spelling and punctuation. • For homework, select or create images for it and bring the material you will use to create it. Self-evaluation

Reect upon the following questions: • Which type of information did I write in my ad?

• Was it easy for me to do it? Why or why not? What can I do to improve?

73 Unit 7


Write information.

Teaching Guidelines

• Select graphic resources to elaborate an ad. • Check spelling and punctuation.

Development 4. Select or create images for your ad.

Organize the class into pairs and read instructions aloud. Give students some time to select graphic resources to elaborate their ad. Remind them that images are extremely important and they also transmit messages so they should be very careful when selecting them. Explain they may use cutouts, print them, and paste them or draw them. Learning to Know 117 Tell students to go to page 117. Ask volunteers to read aloud the information included in this section. Clear up any doubt they may have concerning the tips provided.

Unit 7


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