Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

4. Make necessary adjustments. Give teams some time to correct any aspect they think they may improve after the feedback they received. Monitor to check their work. Ask students where you can find Mexican food nowadays (luxury restaurants all around the world) and who prepares it (international chefs). Ask them if they knew that Mexican cuisine is very famous in other countries. Product: Infographic As you may recall, in this unit students will design an infographic to describe a Mexican dish. In this lesson, they will draw graphic organizers to write their descriptions. Organize the class into teams, read the first instruction aloud, and give them some time to perform the task while you monitor to provide feedback. Emphasize that colors and shapes should be attractive for the readers. This activity will be your third evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Read the second instruction aloud and remind them they can use both physical and/or digital resources to create their infographic. In case they are digital, they should check the tools for homework so they can learn how to use them efficiently. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. How can I improve my work? Ask the question and encourage students to explain the strategies they used in this lesson (self- assessment and peer assessment). Differentiated Instruction Activity 4: Use the Group Based on Goals Strategy allowing struggling students to adjust infographics with less written information.

2 Use the checklist to correct punctuation and the use of capital and lowercase letters. Yes No

Did I use capital letters for each word in my headline? Did I use capital letters to begin each of my sentences? Did I use lowercase letters for the names of the dishes? Did I end all my sentences with a period? Did I use exclamation marks for sentences that could catch the reader’s attention?

3 Present your infographic to another team. Give and receive feedback. They do it very well! They could do it better. They don’t do this.

The headline invites to read it all. The images are interesting. The information is clear and concise. Graphic organizers help to understand better. The fonts and colors are attractive.

4 Make necessary adjustments.

Reader +oZ iPportant is 0e[iFan food noZadays? (pp. 11-111)

Step 4


• Draw graphic organizers to write your descriptions. • Decide what visual resources you will use; bring them for homework. Self-evaluation Reect upon the following questions: • Which steps did I follow to design an infographic?

• Which was the easiest and which the most dicult?

What can I do to improve?

93 Unit 9


Write sentences that describe information in an infographic.

Teaching Guideline

Check use of capital and lowercase letters and punctuation.

Development 2. Use the checklist to correct punctuation and the use of capital and lowercase letters. Organize the class into teams and guide them to use the checklist to verify and correct the use of capital and lowercase letters and punctuation. Read each statement aloud to ensure comprehension and then give teams some time to check by themselves while you monitor walking around. 3. Present your infographic to another team. Give and receive feedback. Tell teams to get together with another team to present their infographic. Remind them to use the peer-assessment worksheet to give feedback to the other team.

Unit 9


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