somebody else. Tell them to think of a situation in which somebody asks for or offers help, and give them some time to plan their presentation answering the questions provided. Encourage them to use body language, gestures, and facial expressions to make the situation more explicit, as they will only say two phrases from the chart above (one to ask for or offer help and one to answer). After a few minutes, invite pairs to act out their role-play and encourage the class to guess it. Finally, read the question in the Time to Shine! box and invite students to share experiences.
5 Reread all the dialogues in this and the previous lesson. Fill in the chart. Useful Expressions Ask for Help Answers Oer Help (Possible answers)
Thanks! Yes, please… (silence) No, thanks… Thank you for helping me.
Of course!
Let me help you. Do you need help? May I help you? I will give you a hand. Can I help you?
Can you help me? I need your help to…
6 Prepare a short role-play in which you will use two expressions from the chart above. Have your classmates guess the situation. a Are you going to ask for help or oer help? b Where are you? c What is the relation between you two? d Which phrases will you use?
Regarding Carlos’s problem, ask students if Jenny called a teacher (no), or if she helped
š +oZ do yoX XsXally help others? Time to Shine!
Reader +oZ did Jenny help her friend &arlos? (pp. 11-11)
Carlos to fight (no). Then, ask them if she used words and how (yes, she told the boy to leave Carlos alone, and she offered to get some ice for his head). Product: Dialogue As you may recall, in this unit students will write and act out a short dialogue in which they will ask for or offer help. In this lesson, students will create a diagram with sentences to ask for and offer help. Organize the class into pairs, read the instruction aloud, and give them some time to design their diagrams on a sheet of paper; encourage them to be creative. Then, have them copy the sentences and expressions from the chart in Activity 5. Tell them to leave some space as they may continue writing some other sentences from the next lessons. This activity will be your second evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. What words or phrases to ask for or offer help do you know? Invite students to answer the question. This time have them include the new expressions they learned in this lesson. Differentiated Instruction Activity 5: Use the Choral Response Strategy to check the expressions students wrote on the chart. Have them use appropriate intonation and correct their pronunciation if required.
Step 2
• Create a diagram with sentences to ask for and oer help. Self-evaluation Reect upon the following questions: • Could I examine dierent ways to oer and ask for help?
• Which aspects did I learn in this lesson to consider?
What can I do to improve?
99 Unit 10
Examine ways to offer and ask for help.
Teaching Guideline
Compare the composition of questions and answers in exchanges to ask for and offer help.
Development 5. Reread all the dialogues in this and the previous lesson. Fill in the chart. To have students compare the composition of questions and answers in exchanges to ask for and offer help, organize the class into pairs and invite them to check all the dialogues they have read in this and the previous lesson. Encourage them to identify the expressions used to ask for or offer help as well as their answers. Have pairs write them in the corresponding column. Monitor while they work to offer help when required. Check by drawing the chart on the board and inviting volunteers to write the answers. 6. Prepare a short role-play in which you will use two expressions from the chart above. Have your classmates guess the situation.
Explain to students that a role-play is a short presentation in which they will pretend to be
Unit 10
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