Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

language, and facial expressions to convey meaning. Monitor while teams work to give them feedback.

5 Suggest a solution in case you face any of the following problems.

The person you are talking to is far away and he/she doesn’t listen to you. I can shout or move closer.

The person you are talking to doesn’t speak English. I can use body language or gestures.

The person you oer to help, rejects it.

Ask a volunteer to recall the Glossary expression that involves good memory (by

I can stay around just in case.

heart). Then, encourage students to say by heart two of the sentences related to helping others that Jenny said (If you help others, they will assist you when you need it too, our lives would be much better). Finally, ask them if they agree with Jenny (answers may vary). Product: Dialogue As you may recall, in this unit students will write and act out a short dialogue in which they will ask for or offer help. In this lesson, they will write their dialogues using everything they learned during the guided practice. Organize the class into pairs, read the first instruction aloud, and give them some time to write while you monitor to check. This activity will be your fourth evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Read the second instruction aloud and invite students to go to page 110 to check the meaning of the Glossary expression (by heart). Explain to them that it may be useful for them to learn their parts by heart, but that they don’t have to get stressed if they cannot remember every single word because they can always improvise. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. How do I write a dialogue? Ask the question and encourage students to explain the steps they followed to do it.

6 Present your dialogue to another pair. Use the checklist to give and receive feedback.

Yes No Comments

They included a greeting. The phrases they used in the body were appropriate for the relationship. They included a farewell. They used body language, gestures, and facial expressions. They spoke using appropriate volume, rhythm, and tone. Their pronunciation was clear so we could understand what they were saying.

Reader What does Jenny think of helping other people? (pp. 122-123)

Step 4

• Write your dialogue. • For homework, rehearse it taking into account prosodic resources and body language. You don’t need to learn it by heart . Self-evaluation Reect upon the following questions: • Could I exchange expressions used to oer and ask for help? • Which of the strategies did I use? What can I do to improve? Dialogue

103 Unit 10


Exchange expressions used to offer and ask for help.

Teaching Guidelines • Explore solutions to communication problems. • Offer and ask for help, and adjust gestures, body language, and facial expressions to convey meaning. Development 5. Suggest a solution in case you face any of the following problems. Tell students to get together with the same classmate they worked in the previous session. Read aloud each of the situations presented in this activity and give pairs some time to explore solutions to communication problems while you monitor to provide them with vocabulary they may need to answer. Once all pairs have finished, invite them to share their answers with the rest of the class. 6. Present your dialogue to another pair. Use the checklist to give and receive feedback. Tell pairs to get together with another pair so they can use the checklist to assess each other. Once both pairs have presented their dialogues, give them some time to offer and ask for help to adjust gestures, body

Unit 10


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