Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

Product and Assessing My Learning Process


1. Answer. Read the questions aloud and invite different students to share their answers with the class. 2. Look through the unit to recall what you have learned to learn, to know, and to do. Give students some time to leaf through the pages of the unit so they can recognize the achievements they attained while working on each of the activities. Encourage them to share them with their classmates. 3. In your notebook, write what you think was difficult to achieve and what you can do to improve. Invite students to write in their notebooks the tasks in which they still need help. Make sure to record which students need help so that you may design strategies to support them individually. Can We Support Each Other? Finally, organize the class into small teams and read the title of the unit aloud: Can We Support Each Other? Give them a few minutes to discuss their answers while you walk around and monitor. Ask one person from each team to share their answers with the rest of the class.

Box of Concerns Do the following activities: • Have your cards with expressions on hand.

• Choose one classmate to work with. • Go to the front, take a strip of paper from the box of concerns, and read the concern. • Use the expressions from your cards to improvise a dialogue: § One of you will express the concern. § The other will express solidarity and support. • Have fun! Assessing My Learning Process Peer evaluation Get together with another pair to exchange feedback about your dialogues. Reect if… • wthe concern was clearlZ eYpressed • wsolidaritZ and empathZ were shown • wWolume rhZthm and intonation were appropriate Self-evaluation 1 Answer. • How did I exchange concerns within a dialogue? • Which strategies did I use to show solidarity and empathy? 2 Look through the unit to recall what you have learned to learn, to know, and to do. 3 In your notebook, write what you think was dicult to achieve and what you can do to improve.


Box of Concerns In this session, students will improvise their dialogues to express concern and respond showing solidarity and support. Read aloud each of the steps on this page guiding the first pair to present. Then, invite the rest to follow the same procedure. Remember you always have the option to adapt the product to your class’s needs and interests. Assessing my Learning Process Peer evaluation Get together with another pair to exchange feedback about your dialogues. Once all pairs have presented their dialogues, give students some time to give and receive peer assessment. Monitor to make sure all comments are respectful.

Unit 1


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