Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

5. Tell your story to another partner. Use the checklist to assess each other.

4 Rehearse with a partner saying the story you wrote in Activity 3.

Organize the class into pairs again, making sure students don’t work with the same classmates they worked in the previous activities of this lesson. Encourage them to narrate their story using the strategies provided in the Learning to Learn section. When all students have finished, guide them to use the checklist provided to assess their partners. Read each of the questions aloud and elicit answers from different pairs, paying special attention to the comments they may give to improve. Discuss the question related to the text from the Reader. Tell students to mention what Hansel thinks about photos (he will never get bored looking at them), and what Gretel says about memories (they will be forever in their albums). Ask students if they like taking photos and where they or their families keep them (in an album or online). Product: Story Based on a Picture As you may recall, students will tell a story based on a picture. In this lesson, students will practice saying their story to one classmate. Organize the class into pairs and read the instructions aloud. Tell them that they can record a video of their partner while he/ she is telling his/her story. If that is not possible, they may take pictures. Have pairs work while you monitor walking around. When all pairs have finished practicing, suggest that they use the checklist from Activity 5 to give feedback to their partners. This activity will be your fourth evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer; if your portfolio is a physical file you may include the written story and some pictures; if it is online in digital form, you may include the videos. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. How can you interest others in your stories? Ask the question and encourage students to share the strategies they used during this lesson. Differentiated Instruction Activity 5: Use the Group Based on Goals Strategy allowing struggling students to read their stories instead of memorizing them.

Useful Expressions

In case you need to restart aer hesitating…

In case you make a mistake…

… I mean,… … hmm, actually… … what I was trying to say is…

As I was saying,… Let’s start over… I’ll start again…

5 Tell your story to another partner. Use the checklist to assess each other. 112 Yes No Comments

Did my partner say the title? Did my partner use transitions? Was the volume OK? Did my partner transmit emotions?

Reader Why do +ansel and *retel like to take photos? (p. 27)

Step 4

Story Based on a Picture

• Using what you learned in this lesson, practice saying your story to a classmate. Give and receive feedback. • If possible, record your partner’s reading; if not, write notes about it and le them. Self-evaluation Reect upon the following questions: • Did I feel condent telling a story based on a picture? Why or why not?

• Which aspects did I include? What can I do to improve?

23 Unit 2


Tell stories based on images.

Teaching Guidelines

• Use expressions to continue telling the story in case of a mistake. • Use strategies to restart after hesitating. • Adjust tone, volume, and intonation to transmit emotions. Development 4. Rehearse with a partner saying the story you wrote in Activity 3. Organize the class into pairs making sure they work with a different partner from the one they worked with in the previous session. Give them some time to reread the story they wrote in Activity 3 and then tell it to their partner without looking at it. Suggest that they use the expressions provided to continue telling the story in case of a mistake or to restart if they make a long pause that shows they are hesitating. Learning to Learn 112

Go to page 112 in the Activity Book and invite volunteers to read the tips provided in this section.

Unit 2


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