Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

6. Follow the instructions given in El Plato del Bien Comer during this month. Keep a record in your notebook of what you eat. Explain to students that eating well is a very important part of having good health because our bodies need nutrients to work correctly, and if we don’t eat foods that contain them, then the organs in the body will start to fail. As this theme is also studied in their Science class, students should know some important facts related to it such as the distribution of foods in El Plato del Bien Comer (you can also check it in this link: https://goo.gl/e2LFh8). Help them give some instructions in English based on El Plato del Bien Comer ( Drink eight glasses of water. / Combine cereals and legumes. / Eat five times a day, etc.) and invite them to follow them during the whole month. Suggest that they keep a record of the foods they eat every day in their notebooks. Ask students if going to the gym is the only activity to do exercise (no). Have some volunteers tell about other activities mentioned in the text (dancing, skating, running, jumping rope, swimming). Have other students write on the board other activities they do to keep fit. Product: Poster As you may recall, students will create a poster with health instructions. In this lesson, students will identify their audience and purpose. Organize the class into teams and have them perform the tasks. This activity will be your second evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. How important is the food you eat for your health? Ask the question again and this time invite students to answer the question orally. Encourage them to give reasons to support their answers.

5 Look at the picture and, with your partner, discuss instructions for a healthy diet. Write them down. 113 (Possible answers)

Instructions for a Healthy Diet

Eat fruits.

Don’t eat candies.

Eat vegetables. Eat sh. Eat seeds.

Don’t eat fast food. Don’t drink soda. Don’t eat cookies.

6 Follow the instructions given in El Plato del Bien Comer during this month. Keep a record in your notebook of what you eat.

Reader What can you do to get the physical activity you need? (pp. 32-34)

Step 2


• %escriCe Zour audience who will see Zour poster and deůne Zour purpose whZ Zou are designing the poster on a sheet of paper 'ile the sheet in Zour portfolio Self-evaluation 3eŰect upon the following Ruestions • What did I do in this lesson to interpret instructions? • Which of these strategies was the most effectiWe for me to understand them? What can I do to improWe?

29 Unit 3


Interpret instructions.

Teaching Guidelines

• Classify instructions depending on actions. • Follow instructions.


Learning to Know 113 Go to page 113 in the Activity Book and invite volunteers to take turns reading the information

provided in the Learning to Know section so students can be familiarized with the use of imperatives to give instructions. 5. Look at the picture and, with your partner, discuss instructions for a healthy diet. Write them down. Organize the class into pairs, draw students’ attention to the picture, and read the examples aloud. Give them some time to classify instructions depending on actions that should be taken and actions that must be avoided. Check by drawing the chart on the board and inviting students to write the answers.

Unit 3


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