needs of their audience and on the purpose they wrote in the previous activity. Invite each team to share their choice.
4 Answer the questions with your team. If we create a poster with health instructions… a who will read them? b what would be my objective? my classmates
(Possible answers)
to help them prevent health problems
Learning to Learn 113
5 Circle the theme that may be more useful for the people who will read your instructions. (Answers may vary.)
Go to page 113 in the Activity Book and invite volunteers to read the tips provided in this section. 6. For homework, research information to clear up any doubts you may have about the theme you chose. Read instructions aloud and then give teams some time to discuss their doubts about the theme they chose. Ask: According to the tips we have just read, what do you have to do? (write questions, use reference material to look for the answers, and if they don’t find them, refer to specialists). Have them write the questions on strips of paper so that each member of the team can take one to use the strategies they learned to clear up doubts for homework.
How to brush my teeth
6 For homework, research information to clear up any doubts you may have about the theme you chose. 113
Reader How important is sleeping well to students? (pp. 35-37)
Step 3
• Write a list of health topics and vote for one to work with. • Research information related to the topic and, on a sheet of paper, dra instructions for health care on the topic you chose. File them in your portfolio. Self-evaluation Reect upon the following questions: • How did the illustrations help me interpret instructions? • Was it easy for me to interpret instructions when being part of a team? Why or why not? What can I do to improve?
Have students go to page 36 and ask a volunteer to read the first paragraph. Ask them which of the
31 Unit 3
benefits of sleeping well they want to improve.
Product: Poster In this lesson, students will choose a health topic for their poster and draft their instructions. Give teams some time to perform the tasks. Tell them to follow the tips they learned to research. This activity will be your third evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. How do you take care of your health? Ask students the question and invite them to check the instructions included in this lesson and mention the ones they follow. Encourage them to share how each of them contributes to their good health. Differentiated Instruction Activity 6: Use the Individualized Feedback Strategy to provide struggling students with the vocabulary they may need to exchange their ideas.
Write instructions using graphic support.
Teaching Guidelines
• Select theme of instructions depending on audience and purpose. • Use strategies to clear up doubts when writing.
Development 4. Answer the questions with your team.
From this moment and until the unit is over, you will guide students to make a poster (similar to the one they will create as a product). The activities provided are aimed for guided practice so that you may be able to follow them closely step by step. Organize the class into teams and explain that they will continue working with the same classmates for the rest of the unit. Read instructions and each of the questions aloud, give teams some time to discuss their answers, and write their conclusions. Ask one person from each team to read them aloud. 5. Circle the theme that may be more useful for the people who will read your instructions. Read instructions aloud and have each team select their theme of instructions depending on the specific
Unit 3
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