Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

questions to go deep into descriptions, and suggesting activities taking them into account.

5 Prepare some questions to play. a b c d e Where do you do this activity? When do you do this activity? What do you wear? What do you use? Do you like to do it?

(Possible answers)

Tell students to reread page 63 and underline the phrase “not very different” and the word “still.” Ask them if those words mean that children have changed or they keep doing the same activities the author did when she was young (those words mean that children haven’t changed a lot and they do the same kind of activities, or at least most of them).

6 Follow the instructions to play.

a Get in teams. b Number teams. c Team 1 will say their description and Team 2 will try to guess. d Follow the rules you established the previous session to make your guess. e When the guess is done, Team 2 will say their description and Team 3 will try to guess. f Continue the same way until all teams have participated.

Product: Guessing Game Based on Descriptions

š 6hare rXles for gXessing gaPes yoX haYe played. Time to Shine!

Reader 'oes the Zriter think that Fhildren haYe Fhanged? (pp. 1-3)

As you may recall, students will play a guessing game based on descriptions. In this lesson, students will write the description of the two activities they chose. Read the two instructions aloud and suggest that they check all the models they have in this unit to follow the one that suits them the best. Monitor to check their work. This activity will be your third evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. Why are rules important to play a game? Ask the question and encourage students to share their ideas based on the experience they had following them when playing during this session.

Guessing Game Based on Descriptions

Step 4

• Write the descriptions of the activities you chose. • Rehearse saying it using the checklist from Activity 3 on page 52. Self-evaluation Reect upon the following questions: • Was I able to play actively guessing activities others described?

• What strategies did I use? What can I do to improve?

53 Unit 5


Play at describing activities

Teaching Guidelines

• Ask and answer questions to go deep into descriptions. • Suggest activities taking into account the descriptions.

Development 5. Prepare some questions to play.

Organize the class into teams and give them some time to prepare their questions. Suggest that they check the information provided on page 115 and the model on page 48, Activity 1. Monitor while they work to check. 6. Follow the instructions to play. Read instructions aloud and have them recall the rules they agreed on during the previous session. Then, read the Time to Shine! task and have them share information they know. Invite them to add any other rule they think might fit with the ones they already have. Once you are sure everybody has understood the instructions, have teams play asking and answering

Unit 5


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