Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

Evaluation Tool Rubric


Achievement Attained

Needs Reinforcement Most words and expressions selected are appropriate for the audience. Some aspects included in the descriptions are relevant to guess the activity. Most of the information is organized from general to specic. Most of the questions asked for specic information that helped to guess the activity. The student uses appropriate questions most of the time to ask for clarication. The student uses effective strategies most of the time to clarify. Tone, volume, and rhythm are appropriate at times. The student uses body language and gestures effectively at times.

Needs Help


All words and expressions selected are appropriate for the audience. All aspects included in the descriptions are relevant to guess the activity. All the information is organized from general to specic. All the questions asked for specic information that helped to guess the activity. The student uses appropriate questions all the time to ask for clarication. The student uses effective strategies all the time to clarify.

Words and expressions selected are not appropriate for the audience. Many of the aspects included in the descriptions were not relevant to guess the activity. Information is not organized from general to specic. Few of the questions asked for specic information that helped to guess the activity. The student shows difculty to use appropriate questions to ask for clarication. The student shows difculty to use effective strategies to clarify. Tone, volume, and rhythm are not appropriate. The student doesn’t use body language and gestures effectively.




Request for clarication Strategies to clarify

Oral expression Tone, volume, and rhythm are appropriate all the time.

Body language and gestures

The student uses body language and gestures effectively all the time.


Photocopiable material

Unit 5


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