knowledge, give them some time to discuss the question. Monitor to make sure that everybody is participating within the teams and, when they have finished, encourage them to share their conclusions. 2. Look at the pictures. Circle the ones that interest you. Draw students’ attention to the pictures and ask: What do you see in the pictures? (animals). Would you like to know more about them? Then, to have them choose topics that arouse curiosity and interest from a list with visual resources, ask them to circle the animals that interest them the most. Finally, invite volunteers to share their choices by showing the pictures they circled to the class and by saying the name of the animal in English. In case they don’t know the names, encourage the class to use a bilingual dictionary to look them up. 3. Work in pairs. Choose one animal from Activity 2 and use the graphic organizer to define aspects related to that animal. Organize the class into pairs and read instructions aloud. Draw students’ attention to the graphic organizer and ask volunteers to read the aspects written on each of the bubbles; encourage students to analyze each of them to clarify what they refer to (habitat: place where they live, appearance: physical characteristics, behavior: what they usually do, diet: what they eat, conservation status: if it is an endangered species). Once you are sure they understood the aspects, explain to them that they will fill in the graphic organizer with the information they know, and that in this stage they should not worry if some spaces remain in blank. Monitor while pairs work to offer help if required. 4. For homework, research facts related to the unknown aspects. Read instructions and explain to students they should bring information related to the bubbles that they left in blank. Differentiated Instruction Activity 2: Use the Individual Response Card Strategy to have students register their preferences. Tell them to write their name on a piece of paper and the name of the animal from the pictures that interests them the most. Ask them to hand the sheets to you. Use these answers to pair students to work during the following activity.
Why Is It Important to Ask Questions?
Academic and Educational Environment
Social Practice of the Language To ask and answer questions to obtain information about a specific topic Achievements š 'eıne aspeFts aEoXt a topiF of interest. š $sk TXestions to oEtain inforPation. š Choose information that answers questions aEoXt speFiıF aspeFts of a topiF. Product: Questionnaire to Obtain Information
In teams, discuss why asking questions is important. Share your conclusions with your class. 2 Look at the pictures. Circle the ones that interest you.
3 Work in pairs. Choose one animal from Activity 2 and use the graphic organizer to define aspects related to that animal.
Our animal is:
Conservation Status
4 For homework, research facts related to the unknown aspects.
56 Lesson 1
Define aspects about a topic of interest.
Teaching Guidelines
• Choose topics that arouse curiosity and interest from a list with visual resources. • Use key words to recognize topics and widen word repertoires. • Explore aspects of a topic in a graphic organizer. Development Which topics related to animals are you interested in? Ask aloud the question: Which topics related to animals are you interested in? and invite students to share their preferences. At this point, you may allow some Spanish words to help them feel confident enough to express themselves, but always provide them with the words or phrases in English and have them repeat after you. 1. In teams, discuss why asking questions is important. Share your conclusions with your class. Organize the class into small teams and read the instructions aloud. To have them activate previous
Unit 6
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