Monitor while they write their words and definitions to create their glossary. Once they have finished, invite pairs to share them with the rest of the class. Ask students what Ismael and his friends do when they watch the show (they pretend to be the contestants). Then, ask why Ismael thought he could win the trivia game on TV and have students explain the phrase “we do fine” (it means Ismael and his friends usually answer correctly).
5 Share the information you researched and write it on the lines provided.
6 Follow the steps to clarify meaning of unknown words.
a 4can the teYt for unknown words circle them b 3ead the teYt carefullZ and trZ to infer the meaning of unknown words c If not possiCle look them up in a dictionarZ d $reate a glossarZ
Product: Questionnaire to Obtain Information
In this unit, students will create a questionnaire to obtain information about different aspects of an animal. In this lesson, students will select the animal they will research and explain why they chose it. Read the instruction aloud and suggest that they go back to the graphic organizer on the previous page to get ideas. Have teams write their lists on a sheet of paper, ask them to vote to choose one, and write the reason(s) for choosing that specific animal. This activity will be your first evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. Which topics related to animals are you interested in? Invite students to answer the question in English using the terms they learned during this lesson. Differentiated Instruction Activity 6: Use the Think-Pair-Share Strategy to promote peer tutoring while performing the task.
Reader Why did Ismael think he could win on the show? (pp. 65-68)
Step 1 • 0n a sheet of paper write a list of animals Zou are interested in and Wote to choose one &Yplain whZ Zou chose it 'ile Zour sheet in Zour portfolio Self-evaluation Questionnaire to Obtain Information
3eŰect upon the following Ruestions • What did I do to deůne aspects aCout a topic of interest?
• Was it easZ for me to do it? WhZ or whZ not? What can I do to improWe?
57 Unit 6
Define aspects about a topic of interest.
Teaching Guidelines
• Analyze ways to name aspects. • Clarify meaning of unknown words.
Development 5. Share the information you researched and write it on the lines provided. Tell students to get together with the same classmate they worked with during the previous session. Give them some time to share the information they brought for homework and have them write it on the lines provided. 6. Follow the steps to clarify meaning of unknown words. This activity will guide students to clarify meaning of unknown words step by step. Read all the steps aloud. If necessary, remind students that when they scan a text, they don’t have to read carefully but just look for specific information; in this case, words they don’t understand. Once they have identified them, they should read the text to use the context in order to infer the meaning of those words (as they learned in Unit 3). If none of this works, then they may use a dictionary.
Unit 6
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