Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente


2. Decide with your partner what Wh- question words are appropriate to fill in the blanks. Listen to check. 18 Draw students’ attention to the picture and ask a volunteer to describe it. Then, have them identify the Glossary words in this activity and invite them to go to page 108 to look for their meaning. Ask them: What do you think the conversation will be about? (bees). Give pairs some time to decide which Wh- question word best fits each case. Then, play Track 18 pausing after each word is said and write each one on the board to check. 3. Listen carefully and draw lines to show the intonation of each question. Follow the example. 19 Read instructions aloud and draw students’ attention to the example. Play Track 19 and pause after the example is given to show students how the line indicates the intonation in that question (going up at the end of the sentence). Then, to have students analyze question intonation, play the rest of the track for them to draw lines for the rest of the questions. Check by writing the questions on the board and asking volunteers to draw their answers. Differentiated Instruction Activity 1: Use the Choral Response Strategy to avoid singling students out when checking the answers and to give shy students the opportunity to participate.


1 Recall the Wh -question words and examine their use writing each of them on the lines provided. Which Wh- Ruestion word do Zou use to ask forw d wprocedure? e wtime? f wpeople? 2 Decide with your partner what Wh -question words are appropriate to fill in the blanks. Listen to check. 18 a wplaces? b wreasons? c wthings or actions? Where Why What When Who How

 )i kids 5his is +uan and hes here to share some information with Zou aCout Cees 1lease listen and feel free to ask  )ello children "s Zou know Cees are Clack and Zellow insects and theZ haWe wings   do theZ liWe?  5heZ liWe in hiWes  %o theZ make honeZ in the hiWes?  :es the hiWe is their home and theZ make honeZ in it  "re theZ dangerous for human Ceings?  /ot reallZ Cut sometimes theZ sting  Where


 do theZ sting?  5heZ sting when theZ feel threatened  its a defense  do theZ eat?  5heZ eat pollen and nectar from Űowers  are theZ organi[ed?  5heZ are organi[ed in colonies  #ees are ama[ing animals 5hank Zou for Wisiting us +uan What How

3 Listen carefully and draw lines to show the intonation of each question. Follow the example. 19

"re theZ dangerous for human Ceings? WhZ do theZ sting?

Where do theZ liWe?

%o theZ make honeZ in the hiWes?



Ask questions to obtain information.

Teaching Guidelines

• Examine question words. • Analyze question intonation.

Development How can I clarify my doubts about a topic of my interest? Ask aloud: How can I clarify my doubts about a topic of my interest? Invite students to share their ideas. 1. Recall the Wh- question words and examine their use writing each of them on the lines provided. Students will work in pairs to examine question words. Remind them that they have already learned them in the previous unit (5). Challenge them to answer the activity without looking at the Appendix. If not possible, they have the information available on page 115. Check orally.

Unit 6


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