Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente


key words. Invite volunteers to share their answers and ask: What is this text about? (animals that adapt themselves to survive in the North Pole). 2. Underline the title, double underline subheadings, draw a square around the introduction, and a circle around the conclusion. Organize the class into pairs, read instructions aloud, and give them some time to perform the task to analyze textual organization while you monitor walking around to check their work. Once they have finished, invite them to take out the texts they are using for their products to help them analyze the organization. Ask: Does it have an index? Is the information organized into different sections? What is the title? What are the subheadings? Elicit answers and walk around to help them check their material. Learning to Know 116 Go to page 116 in the Activity Book and ask volunteers to read aloud the information related to text patterns. Encourage students to find examples for each pattern in the texts they brought for their products. 3. Write examples for each text pattern. Students will continue working in pairs to examine the structure of the text in Activity 1. Suggest that they look for the signal words to find the examples. Once they have finished copying the sentences from the text, analyze each example with them, e.g., What is the text describing? (the polar bear’s diet) / What is the problem? (very cold winters) and the solution? hibernation, etc. Differentiated Instruction Activity 3: Use the Jigsaw Strategy to promote collaboration. Assign only one pattern from the chart to each pair and when they have finished, have pairs share their examples with the class by drawing the chart on the board and inviting students to write them.


1 Scan the text to find five key words. Write them down.

(Possible answers)

Arctic Animals

from other animals such as seals. Hibernation is their solution to survive during winter.

The Arctic is in the most northern part of the Earth. Most of the time it is covered by ice because its temperatures are extremely low.

Harp Seals Harp seals are born with a yellow coat, but after three days it turns white. Then, when they get older, their coat turns gray.

Sea Otters Sea otters have a very dense fur that helps them stay warm. Unlike other mammals, they can

They are very good divers as they can hold their breath under water for up to 15 minutes. They use this awesome skill to catch sh. As you can see, all these animals must adapt themselves to survive in this chilly polar region.

spend all their life in the water. They even sleep there while oating on their backs! Polar Bears Polar bears are the largest bears in the world. They eat sh and meat



North Pole



,eZ words

2 Underline the title, double underline subheadings, draw a square around the introduction, and a circle around the conclusion. 3 Write examples for each text pattern. 116 Text Pattern Example %escription 1roClem  4olution 4eRuence (Possible answers)

They eat sh and meat from other animals such as seals. Hibernation is their solution to survive during winter. Harp seals are born with a yellow coat, but after three days it turns white. Most of the time it is covered by ice because its temperatures are extremely low. Unlike other mammals, they can spend all their life in the water.

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Choose information that answers questions about specific aspects of a topic.

Teaching Guidelines

• Analyze textual organization. • Examine text structure. • Recognize key words.

Development What kind of information can you find in a text about animals? Ask students: What kind of information can you find in a text about animals? and invite them to share information from the texts they used in the previous lesson. 1. Scan the text to find five key words. Write them down. Tell students to identify the Glossary words and invite them to go to page 108 to read their definition. Then, go back to page 62 and draw their attention to the pictures; invite some volunteers to describe them. Finally, ask one student to read the title aloud and give students some time to scan the text to recognize

Unit 6


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