Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

4. Reread the text in Activity 1. Write three open questions and three closed questions. Organize the class into pairs and invite students to reread the text on the previous page. Suggest that they use the models provided in the Appendix and the rest of the unit to fill in the chart with open and closed questions. 5. Write the answers to your questions. Students will continue working in pairs to answer the questions they wrote in the previous activity. Monitor while they work to check. Ask students about Ismael’s first reaction (he wanted to cry). Then, ask them if he saw the bright side later (yes, he said that at least he appeared on TV and became famous for one day).

4 Reread the text in Activity 1. Write three open questions and three closed questions. 116 (Possible answers)

Open Questions

Closed Questions

Where is the Arctic?

Do sea otters have a very dense fur?



When do polar bears hibernate?

Are polar bears the largest bears on Earth? Are harp seals good divers?



What do polar bears eat?



5 Write the answers to your questions. a b c d e f in the most northern part of the Earth during winter sh and meat from other animals yes yes yes

(Possible answers)

Reader 'id ,sPael feel Ead Zhen he lost? (pp. -)

Step 4

• "nswer Zour Ruestions on a separate piece of paper Self-evaluation 3eŰect upon the following Ruestions • )ow did I choose information that answers Ruestions aCout speciůc aspects for a topic? Questionnaire to Obtain Information

Product: Questionnaire to Obtain Information

• Which strategZ was the most effectiWe for me?

As you may recall, in this unit students will create a questionnaire to obtain information about different aspects of an animal. In this lesson, students will write the answers to the open and closed questions they wrote in the previous lessons. Read the instruction aloud and tell them to check the texts they brought to answer their questions. Monitor while they work to offer help when required. This activity will be your fourth evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. What kind of information can you find in a text about animals? Ask the question and encourage students to recall the different text patterns they learned to explain what kind of information they can find (descriptions, problems animals face and their solutions, comparisons with other animals, etc.). Differentiated Instruction Activity 4: After reading the instructions, use the First of Five Strategy asking students to use their fingers as a scale of one to five to express the help they think they will need to perform the activity. Work closely with students that need more help.

What can I do to improWe?

63 Unit 6


Choose information that answers questions about specific aspects of a topic.

Teaching Guidelines

• Ask questions from a model. • Answer questions with chosen information.


Learning to Do 116

Tell students to go to page 116. Read the information in the first bullet and draw their attention to the declarative sentences. Show them how they can write open questions to ask for those specific aspects by adding Wh- question words in the beginning and changing the order of the words. Then, read the information in the second bullet to have them notice the difference between open and closed questions. Go through the examples the same way as you did with the open questions. Stress that when asking closed questions they don’t use Wh- question words. Also emphasize that in both open and closed questions, when the declarative sentence uses the verb to be , they don’t need an auxiliary.

Unit 6


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