Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

Product and Assessing My Learning Process

Self-evaluation 1. Reflect and complete.

Read the statement and have students think what they learned about the topics they chose throughout the unit by asking questions. Invite them to share their answers once they have written them. 2. Look through the unit to recall what you have learned to learn, to know, and to do. Give students some time to leaf through the pages of the unit so they can recognize the achievements they attained while working on each of the activities. Encourage them to share them with their classmates. 3. In your notebook, write what you think was difficult to achieve and what you can do to improve. Invite students to write in their notebooks the tasks in which they still need help. Make sure to record which students need help so that you may design strategies to support them individually. Why Is It Important to Ask Questions? Finally, organize the class into small teams and read the title of the unit aloud: Why Is It Important to Ask Questions? Give them a few minutes to discuss their answers considering what they learned in this unit. Finally, ask one person from each team to share their answers with the rest of the class.

Questionnaire to Obtain Information Do the following activities:

• )aWe in mind that Zour classmates are Zour audience so that Zou use words and eYpressions theZ can easilZ understand • $reate a glossarZ with words theZ might not understand in the teYt • &Ychange Zour Ruestions and teYt with another team • "nswer the Ruestions from the other team • (et together to check Zour answers CZ reading Ruestions and answers aloud Assessing my Learning Process Peer evaluation 6se the ruCric to assess the Ruestions Zou answered



Needs Improvement

4ome open Ruestions used Wh Ruestion words correctlZ  4ome closed Ruestions were easZ to understand  4ome words in the glossarZ were useful to answer the Ruestions

0pen Ruestions did not use Wh Ruestion words correctlZ  $losed Ruestions were not easZ to understand  5he words in the glossarZ were not useful to answer the Ruestions

"ll open Ruestions used Wh - Ruestion words correctlZ  "ll closed Ruestions were easZ to understand  "ll the words in the glossarZ were useful to answer the Ruestions

Self-evaluation 1 3eŰect and complete "sking Ruestions aCout a topic helped me to

2 -ook through the unit to recall what Zou haWe learned to learn to know and to do 3 In Zour noteCook write what Zou think was diűcult to achieWe and what Zou can do to improWe


Questionnaire to Obtain Information

In this session, students will check their questionnaire, create a glossary and, once it is ready, exchange it with other classmates for them to answer the questions. Read aloud each of the steps on this page and have teams perform the tasks. Monitor closely to provide help when required. Remember you always have the option to adapt the product to your class’s needs and interests.

Assessing my Learning Process Peer evaluation Use the rubric to assess the questions you answered.

Once teams have finished answering the questions, draw their attention to the rubric so they can use it to provide peer assessment. Read instructions aloud and make sure everybody understands the aspects they will evaluate before they start. Monitor while they work to offer guidance if required.

Unit 6


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