Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente


Evaluation Tool Photocopy the self-assessment worksheet provided and give it to each student so they can evaluate themselves individually. Remember that this instrument is very useful to help them identify their own skill gaps so they know where to focus their attention and assume responsibility for their own learning process. Don’t forget it is very important to guide students once they have finished working with it so they can use their answers to set realistic goals by themselves. Once you hand out the worksheet to each of your students, read instructions aloud and make sure they understand what they have to do. Ask volunteers to read each of the questions included and, if necessary, have them identify the activity in which they practiced that skill so they can recall if they could do it or not. When they finish answering, tell them to paste the worksheet in their notebooks and give them some time to write the goals they want to attain concerning the skill(s) they think they need to improve.


1 Read the text and underline key words.

(Answers may vary.)

The King of the Jungle

"lthough lions are known as the kings of the Kungle theZ actuallZ liWe in the saWannah 5heZ liWe in groups of ten to ůŦeen that are called prides and theZ maZ liWe for up to  Zears in the wild and  in captiWitZ 'emale lions do most of the prides hunting from dusk till dawn 5heZ can hunt large animals such as [eCras as theZ can run at a speed of up to  kilometers per hour .ale lions protect the pride and patrol the territorZ with a roar that can Ce heard up to  km awaZ

2 Underline words you don’t understand and look up their meaning.

(Answers may vary.)

3 Write three open questions and their answers. a

(Possible answers)

Where do lions live? in the savannah How are they organized? in groups of ten to fteen lions called prides When do female lions hunt? from dusk till dawn



4 Write three closed questions and their answers. a b c

(Possible answers)

Do lions live in the jungle? no Do they live longer in captivity than in the wild? yes Do they hunt large animals? yes

Unit 6


Review The aim of this section is to have students perform communicative activities in teams or pairs so they can practice the skills they learned during the unit. It is a great opportunity to give individualized support to struggling students. Another useful strategy is to promote tutoring between pairs, so advanced students may help their classmates. In any case, monitor them closely while they work on these activities so they feel confident enough to attain the achievements by themselves.

Unit 6


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