Z5623 - 4Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

Elicit the places where there is publicity according to the text (TV, radio, billboards, and magazines). Ask students where else they see advertisements. Then, ask what the purpose of publicity is (it tells us when companies introduce new products; it also tries to persuade people to buy those products). Product: Ads In this unit, students will create an ad. In this lesson, they will create a repertoire of words and expressions related to ads. Organize the class into teams, read the instruction aloud, and give them some time to check the ads and activities in this lesson to select their words and expressions. Encourage them to use a bilingual dictionary to add some other terms. Monitor while they work and, when they have finished, invite teams to share their words with the rest of the class. This activity will be your first evidence in this unit; once they have their lists ready, ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation Read the questions aloud to make sure students know what each of them refers to. Tell them to review the activities they performed in this lesson to answer and identify their areas of opportunity. Finally, encourage them to suggest ways in which they may improve. Which words and expressions related to ads do you know? Invite students to answer the question in English using the terms they learned during this lesson. Differentiated Instruction Activity 4: Use the Bubble Map Strategy to have students brainstorm different ad categories before working on this activity.

4 Write number 1 for ads that show food, 2 for ads of personal care products, and 3 for those of household products.









5 Compare the texts and pictures in the ads above. Answer.

(Possible answers)


Are the texts long? How are texts and pictures distributed?

The pictures occupy most of

the space in the ad.

Reader What is the purpose of pXEliFity? (pp. -)

Step 1


• Check this and the previous page, and create a list with words and expressions related to ads. Self-evaluation Reect upon the following questions: • What did I do to explore ads about products for children?

• Which of the strategies was the most eective?

What can I do to improve?

67 Unit 7


Explore ads.

Teaching Guidelines • Classify advertised products into categories. • Compare similarities and differences in the distribution and use of graphic and textual elements. Development 4. Write number 1 for ads that show food, 2 for ads of personal care products, and 3 for those of household products. Organize the class into pairs, read instructions aloud, and have them classify advertised products into categories while you monitor walking around to check. 5. Compare the texts and pictures in the ads above. Answer. Have pairs compare similarities and differences in the distribution and use of graphic and textual elements by observing the ads in the previous activity and answering the questions. Check orally and ask: Why do you think the distribution is done this way? (because images are more attractive and, sometimes, more effective to persuade people to buy the products).

Unit 7


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