and each of the statements to check understanding. Once you are sure all students understand, have them perform the task. Invite pairs to share their answers and encourage them to give reasons, even if they need to use their native language to express them. Don’t forget to provide them with the words or phrases in English and have them repeat after you. 3. Draw a product that is advertised in a similar way. Ask students: Have you seen/listened to similar ads? Which products do they advertise? Give them some time to draw the product(s). This activity will help them to relax while establishing connections with their own experiences. 4. Circle how ads are spread out in your town. Draw students’ attention to the Glossary word in this activity (billboard) and encourage them to recall its meaning. Ask: Where have you seen billboards? Elicit answers and read the rest of the words aloud to check comprehension. Then, tell them to work on the task to have them reflect about the different ways to spread product information in their own culture. Differentiated Instruction Activity 2: Use the Individual Response Card Strategy to identify which ad each of your students prefers. Tell them to take out a recycled sheet and cut two squares of paper; on one of them they will write an a and on the other a b . Read aloud each of the statements from the chart and have your students show you the letter of their choice. If time allows, organize a brief debate between the ones who prefer ad a , and the ones who prefer ad b .
1 Listen to the ad and circle the product it is announcing. 21 a b
2 Evaluate the ads in the previous activity. Check ( ✔ ) the square of the ad that fits each statement. a b It is the most attractive. It is the simplest. (Answers may vary.)
It uses images to reinforce the content. It makes me want to buy the product.
3 Draw a product that is advertised in a similar way.
(Answers may vary.)
4 Circle how ads are spread out in your town. billboards magazines TV radio
(Answers may vary.)
Explore ads.
Teaching Guidelines
• Evaluate the effect of ads on readers. • Reflect about the different ways to spread product information in their own culture. Development How is the information presented in an ad? Ask aloud: How is the information presented in an ad? Encourage students to answer by observing the ads from the previous lesson. 1. Listen to the ad and circle the product it is announcing. 21 Explain to students that they will listen to a radio ad and that they should listen carefully to identify which of the two potato chip brands it is advertising. Play Track 21 for them to work on the task and check orally. 2. Evaluate the ads in the previous activity. Check ( ✔ ) the square of the ad that fits each statement.
Organize the class into pairs to have them evaluate the effect of ads on readers. Read aloud the instructions
Unit 7
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