Z5651 - 5Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

7. Answer a question using your notes. Listen to each other and guess which question it was. Ask questions to help each other understand better. Students will share relevant information and some details and use questions for clarification and a more detailed understanding. Ask students to work in small groups of three or four. Ask them to take turns to share their answers and guess which questions are being answered. Encourage them to use questions for clarification and more detailed understanding. Monitor and offer praise. Provide feedback (error corrections, good use of language, new vocabulary, pronunciation) at the end of the activity. ICT Box

6 Choose one of the questions from Activity 1. Make notes about more details and reasons. Practice answering your question with a rhythm.

General Information



7 Answer a question using your notes. Listen to each other and guess which question it was.Ask questions to help each other understand better. When you speak: Are you with me? Do you know what I mean?

When you listen: You mean, In other words,

? ?

ICT Box To practice more on describing people play an interactive game, go to shorturl.at/bKWZ2

Reader What two liquids did you learn about? (pp. 84-86)

Promote the development of digital abilities on students by suggesting them to perform this task. Have them focus on using them to foster communication and collaboration among them.

Step 4

Line Graph of Development

• Work in small groups. Say what you like about your appearance. • Write three positive sentences about your appearance. • Ask your teacher to check your sentences. Copy them onto a piece of paper. Self-evaluation (Work with a partner.) • Describe your appearance in as much detail as you can. Tip: If you can’t do this, go back to Activity 5.

Ask students to discuss the question: What two liquids did you learn about? Have them

share their answers. Product: Line Graph of Development In this lesson, students will write three positive sentences about their own appearance. Monitor and offer positive and corrective feedback. Make note of recurring errors to provide feedback and corrections to

73 Unit 7

Achievement Describe yourself. Teaching Guidelines • Share relevant information and some details. • Use questions for clarification and a more detailed understanding. Development 6. Choose one of the questions from Activity 1. Make notes about more details and reasons. Practice answering your question with a rhythm. Students will again share relevant information and some details. First elicit what kind of details they could include to answer the questions from Activity 1. Then ask students to make notes about their answer. Set a time limit. Ask students to use their notes to practice answering the questions. Ask them to practice several times to get a steady rhythm. Differentiated Instruction For this activity you can use the Bubble Map strategy to ask students to first brainstorm who, what, where, why, how to answer one of the questions providing more details.

the whole class. Self-evaluation

You could read the statements in the box together to make sure everybody understands what they need to self-evaluate. If necessary, go back to some of the previous activities so that students understands what each statement refers to. Read the tip provided and make sure to offer individual support to those students who detected areas of opportunity.

Unit 7 • Activity Book p. 73


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