Z5651 - 5Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

this activity with a strong student to help students understand what they need to do. Then ask them to practice their dialogue. Monitor and help students where needed by saying the first part of a useful phrase for them to complete or writing it on a piece of paper for them. Differentiated Instruction For this activity you can use the Stimulate Student Senses strategy to engage them in the activity. Ask them to imagine the town on the map. Ask them to then imagine where they are standing in the town: What can they see? What can they hear? What can they smell? Learning to Do 120 Ask the question from the box and elicit students' prior knowledge; encourage them to go to the Appendix if needed. Put students in groups. Ask students to check their predictions and then discuss who they think James is. We know that they are good friends and that they know each other from before. Maybe they went to the same school and then James moved to the city. Product: Quick Guide to Get to Places Students will write down four sentences to give directions. Organize the class into pairs and allow them to work together to select relevant sentences. Monitor while they work to check progress and help them make corrections. Then ask them to copy their sentences onto pieces of paper. This activity will be your third piece of evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure of your preference. Self-evaluation You could read the statements in the box together to make sure everybody understands what they need to self-evaluate. If necessary, go back to some of the previous activities so that students understands what each statement refers to. Read the tip provided and make sure to offer individual support to those students who detected areas of opportunity.

5 Draw an X on the map. Describe where you are on the map.

a I am in the north / east / south / west / center. b There is a

next to / behind / in front of me .

c I am d The closest


blocks away.

6 Draw an O on the map where you want to go.Ask your partner for directions. 120

Ask for their attention. Ask how to get somewhere.

Ask where they are.

Say where you are.

Give directions.

Say if they are correct.

Check directions.


What phrases can you use to ask for directions? For information about this theme, go to page 120.

Reader Who do you think James is? (pp. 117-118)

Step 3

• Write down four sentences to give directions. • Copy the directions onto a piece of paper. Self-evaluation (Check the boxes.) I can describe my immediate environment as a reference point. I can ask for and give directions to go somewhere. Tip: If you are not sure, go back to Activities 1, 4, 5, and 6. Quick Guide to Get to Places

101 Unit 10

Achievement Describe the immediate environment as a reference point. Teaching Guidelines • Use previous knowledge on giving directions. • Express personal location and that of others using cardinal points and other references (In the north of this city, you will find…, The nearest bank is just four blocks away, etc.). • Practice different ways of giving and asking for directions. Development 5. Draw an X on the map. Describe where you are on the map. Put students into pairs. Ask them to choose a point on the map. Then ask them to complete the description of their immediate environment by completing the sentences provided. Monitor and check descriptions. 6. Draw an O on the map where you want to go. Ask your partner for directions. Ask students to individually choose a place they want to go on the map from their starting point in Activity 5. Then put them into different pairs. Ask them to take turns to ask and give directions (by responding to either the blue or green boxes). You can first model

Unit 10 • Activity Book p. 101


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