Z5651 - 5Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

present or past. Allow students to compare their answers. Differentiated Instruction For this activity you can use the First of Five strategy to help shy students volunteer their answers. 8. Complete a description of another traditional toy from your country. Make a drawing below. Present your drawing and description. Allow students to work in pairs if they prefer to do so. Ask them to think of another traditional toy from their country. Ask them to draw it first and then describe it by completing the sentences. Encourage stronger students to add sentences of their own. Then put students into groups of four or five and ask them to present and share their descriptions and drawings. Monitor and offer praise. Allow students to give each other feedback, encouraging them to focus on things they liked about each other’s presentations.

6 Complete the sentences using passive voice.Are they in present or past? Explain together why you chose each option. 116


Why do we use passive voice?

For information about this topic, go to page 116.

a Japanese kites are given to children on New Year’s. b Piñatas

of colorful paper and cardboard.

c They

in Europe.

d The diabolo


in China.

In these sentences, the person who does the action… is important or known.

is not important or known.

7 Complete the sentences to mean the same as the ones in Activity 6.

a People b People

children Japanese kites on New Year’s. piñatas with colorful paper and cardboard.

c Someone d People rst

them in Europe.

the diabolo in China.

8 Complete a description of another traditional toy from your country. Make a drawing below. Present your drawing and description.

are made of


are played by


Reader What do you think was dicult about using these? (pp. 70-71)

Step 3

Museum Cards

• Choose one of the texts. Rewrite it using your own words. • Ask your teacher to check it. Copy it on a piece of paper. Self-evaluation (Answer the question.) • Mention dierent structures you can use in an informative text.

Put students in groups. Ask students to discuss the question: What do you think was difficult

Tip: If you can’t mention some, go back to Activities 6 and 7.

about using these? Ask them to imagine using the items in their daily lives and to compare it with the

61 Unit 6

practicality of modern options. Product: Museum Cards

Achievement Analyze informative texts. Teaching Guideline • Compare use and forms of passive structures. Development 6. Complete the sentences using passive voice. Are they in present or past? Explain together why you chose each option. Put students into pairs. Ask students to find the missing words in the texts. Then ask them to look at the sentences and decide if each action is in the present or generally true, or in the past. Tell students to decide together and explain in their own words why

Organize the class into pairs and allow them to work together to rewrite. Monitor while they work to check progress. Check their work before asking them to write it onto a piece of paper. This activity will be your third piece of evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure of your preference. Self-evaluation You could read the statements in the box together to make sure everybody understands what they need to self-evaluate. If necessary, go back to some of the previous activities so that students understands what each statement refers to. Read the tip provided and make sure to offer individual support to those students who detected areas of opportunity.

they chose each option. Learning to Know 116

Ask the question from the box and elicit students' prior knowledge; encourage them to go to the Appendix if needed. 7. Complete the sentences to mean the same as the ones in Activity 6. Ask students to first circle the action in each sentence in the text that corresponds to the sentences in Activity 7. Then ask students to decide if it is in the

Unit 6 • Activity Book p. 61


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