OPEI 07-2023 quarterly report



CPSC CONSIDERING PORTABLE GENERATOR CO EMISSION LIMITS The U.S. CPSC has issued a Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes a 150 g/hr CO emissions limit and CO shutdown technology. The ANSI/PGMA G300 voluntary standard was developed to address CO poisoning risk by in- clusion CO shutdown requirements. The voluntary standard is highly effective at reducing the risk of injury and is widely adopted by industry. Despite this voluntary standard, the agency continues work on this rulemaking. OPEI submitted comments on June 20. The OPEI Engine and Fuels Committee continues to monitor any rule developments. OPEI CIRCULATES NEW MOWER STANDARD Following the completion of the first ballot last December, OPEI’s Lawn Mower and Commercial Turf Care committees have now completed a second proposal for recirculation ballot on the proposed U.S. adoption of the international standard ISO 5395. Most significantly, in response to stakeholder comments the proposed standard’s scope has been revised to apply to only internal combustion engine (ICE) powered lawnmow- ers, in harmonization with the ISO standard. When the standards are published later this year as OPEI 5395 Parts 1 (common requirements), 2 (walk-behind), and 3 (ride-on), they will replace and revise the longstanding ANSI/ OPEI B71.1 and B71.4 standards. This transition is intended to markedly improve the global harmonization of industry stan- dards for ICE-powered lawnmowers. ASSOCIATION PROPOSES REAFFIRMATION OF CUT-OFF MACHINE STANDARD The OPEI B175.4 Cut-Off Machine Standard Committee is proposing to reaffirm the ANSI/OPEI B175.4-2018 American National Standard for Portable, Handheld, Internal Combus- tion Engine-Powered Cut-Off Machines, Safety and Environ- mental Requirements. OPEI is seeking interested stakeholders to participate on the consensus body to review the standard. OPEI SEEKS STANDARDS STAKEHOLDERS Are you interested in participating in the development of U.S. and international OPE standards? OPEI is seeking “User” and

With respect to the government of Canada’s objective to reduce plastics ending up in the envi- ronment, the introduction of a plastics-specific registry would only conflict with the principles

of whole good Extended Producer Responsibilities (EPR). It would ultimately establish an unnecessary registry that would duplicate current EPR obligations and potentially add more cost to consumer products. In an OPEI-led joint coalition, an opposition letter was filed in May to the Director of Plastics Regulatory Affairs Division and the Standing Committee of Industry and Technology.

U.S. DOT LITHIUM BATTERY AIR SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE The U.S. Department of Trans- portation — Lithium Battery Air Safety Advisory Committee (LBASAC) publicly met in April to improve safety risks when transporting lithium batteries.

Subcommittees within the advisory group provided addi- tional updates such as battery incident trends from Depart- ment of Transportation 5800.1 data results and UL’s airline TRIP research. Other factors making impacts to the committee include the recent passage of the INFORM Act which imposes seller diligence and disclosure requirements for online marketplac- es and recent adjustments targeting counterfeit merchandis- ers from large online marketplaces. International platforms, including ICAO and UN, are making progress as it relates to improving transportation and packaging requirements. Without congressional approval the LBASAC is slated to adjourn in 2025, which is driving the advisory group toward finalizing an official recommendation and an additional focus on how awareness education can be implemented. The next public meeting is tentatively scheduled for early November.

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